
WATCH: How to position your PR effectively

Events & Learning

WATCH: How to position your PR effectively

Key Learnings

  • PR is about strategically building relationships between your business and it's various audiences through effective communication and storytelling. 
  • Every business has four specific audiences - its consumers, community, financiers and employees. 
  • Social listening involves listening to the conversations that are being had within your sector and amongst your different audiences. 

Watch this webinar with journalist, broadcaster and PR consultant Tetteh Kofi to explore the ways in which businesses can raise brand profile through effective PR.

Tetteh shares his expertise on how to generate great PR through the use of customer personas, strategic objectives, meaningful messaging and effective brand storytelling. 

Next steps...

Tailor your messaging to the audience you are targeting.

Grab the attention of journalists you want to work with by sharing their work across social meida channels. 

Go to Journolink to explore the different ways its platform can boost your businesses PR strategy. 
