
WATCH: Social media advertising

Events & Learning

WATCH: Social media advertising

Key learnings

  • The eight most popular social media channels are Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Snapchat and Tik Tok.
  • Facebook is the most widely used channel with over 30% global population holding accounts.
  • YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google.
  • Each channel has a slightly different audience so you should adapt your advertising to suit.

Social media advertising is a great way to build brand awareness and gain customers but each channel has a slightly different audience. For example, Pinterest is predominately female, Snapchat is most popular with 18 to 24 year olds, and LinkedIn is used mainly by working professionals. To get the most of your social media advertising, it should be adapted to suit the relevant target audience. Confused? Don't worry, this video by the Hubspot Academy can help.

Watch this video from Corey Braccialini from the Hubspot Academy, who discusses the main social media platforms and their advertising opportunities, and how you to maximise customer engagement on each.

Next steps...

  • Take the time to understand the advertising opportunities provided by social media platforms. 
  • You can find out about the target audience you want to reach using this Facebook insight tool.
  • Review your budget and work out how much you can spend on digital advertising and where to place the ads so that your prospective customers are most likely to see you.
  • Prioritise your advertising based on the platform audience reach opportunities. 
