
WATCH: UMi Makes It Easy...to create your digital marketing strategy

Events & Learning

WATCH: UMi Makes It Easy...to create your digital marketing strategy

Key learnings

  • Build your business story and gain clarity on what makes you different.  
  • Create SMART Goals to align your marketing strategy to your business targets.  
  • Identify who your target audience(s) are, understand common behaviours and the best channels to use to reach them.   
  • Reflect on your current marketing activity and identify ways to refine your content so that it resonates with your audience.  

The UMi Makes It Easy webinar series is back with a special workshop on digital marketing strategy with UMi partner, Boo! Marketing. Watch the video below and you will learn how to create a simple yet effective marketing strategy to support your business goals. 

Making Marketing Simple.  

In this video, Boo! Marketing's Anna Short shows you how to gain clarity and focus on your marketing strategy and achieve buy-in across the team to meet your business goals.  


Step 1 Building your story 

Step 2 Vision, Goals and Values 

Step 3 Marketing Activities  

Step 4 Value & Differentiation 

Step 5 Target Markets 

Watch the webinar below. 


Next steps...

  • If you like what you saw in the webinar, you can book a free one-to-one session with Boo! Marketing's Anna Short here.
  • Find out more about the exclusive 10% discount on Boo! Marketing packages for UMi Sat Nav subscribers.
