
WATCH: Understanding digital PR

Events & Learning

WATCH: Understanding digital PR

Key Learnings

  • Digital PR isn’t too different form traditional PR – it’s just online, giving it the added benefit of SEO, analytics and backlinks
  • Digital PR doesn’t always have to be written or video content, infographics are really popular so it’s worth experimenting with visual content as well
  • It’s a lot easier to track and measure digital PR compared with traditional
  • Digital PR raises the awareness of your company – it’s not a sales too, but a brand building tool that can lead to sales
  • Content is king! So make sure the content you’re creating is of a high quality before you start sharing and promoting

Catch up on our webinar Q&A with Charlotte Nichols from Harvey & Hugo to hear about the difference between traditional and digital PR and how you can create a campaign involving both.

Watch on demand below.


Show notes

48 seconds: Would you like to tell you a bit about yourself and what you do?

1 min 36 seconds: What does digital PR involve and what are the benefits of it?

2 min 42 seconds: How can a business develop and implement a solid strategy to generate results?

2 min 49 seconds: Planning.

3 min: Strong quality content.

3 min 20 seconds: Do your research.

3 min 53 seconds: Develop relationships.

4 min 19 seconds: Don’t rule out paying for content to be used.

5 min 10 seconds: What platforms can be utilised?

5 min 21 seconds: Networking with journalists and editors to gain backlinks.

5 min 26 seconds: Publishing press releases.

5 min 29 seconds: Getting newsworthy content out to gain press features.

5 min 32 seconds: Blogger outreach.

5 min 37 seconds: Influencer marketing.

6 min 2 seconds: Affiliate programmes.

6 min 20 seconds: Offline press events and blogger events.

7 min: Blended approach, using multi-channel PR and marketing opportunities.

7 min 17 seconds: It doesn’t always have to be written or video content.

7 min 55 seconds: What next steps would you recommend brands take?

8 min 3 seconds: Align your whole strategy.

10 min 20 seconds: Building a network.

10 min 53 seconds: What tools can be used to help measure impact?

11 min 56 seconds: Google analytics.

12 min 19 seconds: Measuring backlinks from digital PR.

12 min 50 seconds: Measuring rankings in Google and building credibility.

14 min 5 seconds: Why is PR so important?

14 min 12 seconds: Raises awareness of your company.

14 min 32 seconds: Promotes understanding of your company and product.

14 min 48 seconds: Builds trust, confidence and credibility.

14 min 55 seconds: Encourages changes in behaviour, attitudes and perceptions.

15 min 25 seconds: Builds good will with clients.

15 min 55 seconds: Can help attract new business.

17 min 19 seconds: Third party endorsements can be built into stories.

17 min 31 seconds: Improves SEO presence.

17 min 38 seconds: It can lead to many other opportunities.

18 min 23 seconds: How does Harvey & Hugo help clients build and implement a digital PR strategy?

18 min 38 seconds: Creativity when creating content.

19 min 6 seconds: Striking a balance between keywords vs story.

19 min 40 seconds: Creating stories to suit the audience (client/editors/customer) and overall objective.

20 min 48 seconds: Considering all the channels to maximise coverage.

22 min 36 seconds: PR your PR.

23 min 56 seconds: Need to constantly keep your finger on the pulse.

25 min 33 seconds: Is there anything else you’d like to add before we go?

Next Steps... 

  • Research what is trending in your industry and across social media then use this to plan your digital PR strategy
  • Build digital PR into your marketing strategy – if you have written a great blog, think about how you are going to gain visibility around it
  • Start building an online network by speaking to bloggers, influencers and journalists – the best place to start connecting with people is LinkedIn
  • Use Google Analytics to measure and track the success of your digital PR campaigns – you can see where traffic has come from, how many times something has been clicked and any backlinks your website gained
  • Try out easy to use tools like Canva to create some exciting infographics you can include in your PR strategy
