
Choosing between a business loan and a business grant

Finance & Funding

Choosing between a business loan and a business grant

Key learnings

  • A business loan is a sum of money given to a business that must be repaid – usually with interest.
  • A business grant is a sum of money awarded to a business that does not usually have to be repaid but does need to be used to achieve a specific goal.
  • It’s important that business owners understand the implications of loans and grants before seeking finance for their business.

The terms ‘grant’ and ‘loan’ crop up a lot when talking about business finance. While they are both popular ways of securing money to start and grow businesses, grants and loans are very different things. It’s important that you know what both are, and what each means for your business - so you can find the right finance you need to take your business further.  

Click on the headings below to understand the difference between loans and grants and decide which is right for your business. 


What is a business loan?

A business loan is a sum of money that is borrowed and must be paid back, usually with interest.  

You can get a business loan from banks, credit unions, non-profit organisations and online lenders. Each lender will provide something different, so it’s important you shop around to find the loan most suitable for your business needs.  

Loans are usually paid back over a repayment term specified at the time of the application. This can range from six months to seven years, though longer repayment terms can be agreed depending on the loan amount.  

Business loans can be secured for all kinds of reasons, from short-term cashflow support to longer-term expansion plans.  


Types of business loans 

There are a lot of different types of loans, but the main two are ‘secured’ and ‘unsecured’.  

  • Secured business loan is backed by some sort of security, usually an asset from the business’s balance sheet. Property is usually used as security, though other assets can also be used.  
  • Unsecured business loan is not backed by any business asset, rather, the person applying for the loan will need to provide a personal guarantee. This means that if the business is unable to pay back the loan, the borrower must repay it personally.

    These types of loans are helpful for businesses that don’t have many assets, or are looking for a quick cash injection, but they typically have higher interest rates than secured loans.  

What is a business grant?

A business grant is a sum of money awarded to a business with the aim of helping it achieve a certain goal.  

There are many different grants awarded for different things. These can range from large grants to support business expansion and job creation, to smaller ones that focus on specific areas of improvement, like making your business greener or helping with digital adoption.  

Business grants usually don’t need to be repaid, though if they have been awarded to help meet a specific goal (like creating a certain number of jobs or increasing turnover by a set amount) a follow up with the fund provider may be required.  

To find out what grants could be available to your business, check out UMi’s Grants, Funding and Finance finder. 


Understanding business grants

The grants available to your business will largely depend on a variety of factors, including the location of your business, its size, the sector it operates in and the type of support you are looking for.  

Typically, you won’t find a grant that will just inject money into your business so your bank balance looks healthier. Grants are designed to invest in businesses to improve them in some way.   

Sometimes, financial backing only represents a percentage of the support a business receives, and it is rare a project will be 100% funding. Some grants require the business to match the funding being offered. With most grants, you will not receive funding until the business improvement has been completed, so initially you’ll need to spend the money yourself.  

Next steps...

  • Take some time to assess and understand the financial needs of your business.  
  • Use the UMi Funding & Grants Finder to explore the grants currently available to you. 
  • If you think your business may be eligible for grant funding, the best way to get started is to check out UMi's 'Get Grant Ready' service
