Local Factsheet - Broxtowe
D2N2 Growth Hub
For all business stages, we offer access to a wide range of online resources, access to the enquiry hub and brokerage service that provides signposting and referrals to a vast network of other specialist programmes through our network of public, private and third sector partners.
In addition to this, we can support any trading business through free, impartial one to one advice delivered by our team of expert business advisers and enquiry team. We also have comprehensive events and webinar programme covering everything from HR right through to social media marketing, access to finance, digital, international trade and building resilience. There is also a range of scale-up services available for ambitious, scale-up and growing businesses.
Eligibility: Available for all stages of businesses including businesses not yet trading located within the Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire area.
Website: http://www.d2n2growthhub.co.uk/
Tel: 0333 006 9178
E-mail: info@d2n2growthhub.co.uk
Broxtowe Borough Council
If you are looking for sources of business support, your local council offer a signposting service, as well as information on health & safety, licensing, permits, food hygiene & health and business rates.
If your business has been affected by recent flooding you can find information here on support for your business: https://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/planning-and-environment/flooding-help-and-advice/
Eligibility: Available for all stages of business including businesses not yet trading.
Website: https://www.broxtowe.gov.uk/for-business/
Tel: 0115 917 3826 - Economic Development
Tel: 0115 917 7777 - Customer Services
Email: economic.development@broxtowe.gov.uk
Nottinghamshire County Council
The council website provides information on local business support providers, council property to let/sale, working with the council, a food and drink toolkit.
Nottingham County Council Trading Standards officers provide bespoke advice and support to help businesses in Nottinghamshire negotiate complex legal requirements, so they can be confident they are marketing their products and services correctly. To find out more, complete this simple Business Advice Request Form and one of the Trading Standards officers will aim to be in touch within two working days. This service may attract a charge depending on the advice required.
Businesses can also get support from Nottinghamshire Fire & Rescue service on how to comply with safety legislation.
Those have been affected by flooding can find information on the Nottinghamshire Floods Business Hardship Fund here: https://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/planning-and-environment/flooding-help-and-advice/flooding-grants
Eligibility: Available for all stages of business including businesses not yet trading.
Website: https://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/business-community
Tel: 0300 500 80 80
E-mail: enquiries@nottscc.gov.uk
Invest in Nottingham
Invest in Nottingham is an inward investment agency and offers a range of services including a business premises search, business relocation advice, and economic data for the area.
Eligibility: Available for all stages of business including businesses not yet trading.
Website: http://www.investinnottingham.com/ourservice
Online contact form: https://www.investinnottingham.com/contact
Tel: 0115 962 8300.
E-mail: enquiries@investinnottingham.co.uk
Accelerator East Midlands
The Accelerator project provides support to businesses across the East Midlands to help them start, sustain, grow and innovate.
The Accelerator project has five investment priorities:
- Start-Up Accelerator
Supporting individuals at pre-start stage who are looking to develop a business idea or who are in their early years of starting a business.
- Sustainability Accelerator
Helping businesses to reduce the cost of their energy bills and improve efficiencies.
- High Street Accelerator
Support for bricks-and-mortar businesses located on the high street seeking to increase footfall to their business and attract and retain customers.
- Innovation Accelerator
Selected new high-growth and scale-up clients to help them innovate and grow.
- Financial Accelerator
A cross-cutting theme delivered across all project interventions, including growth vouchers for specialist consultancy advice and access to grant funding.
Support through the Accelerator will be covered in the following ways:
- 1-2-1 advice and mentoring from a Business Adviser
- Training and workshops
- Growth vouchers of up to £2,000 for specialist consultancy
- Grant funding towards business sustainability
- Networks for peer to peer collaboration
- Tailored Pre-Start and Start-Up Business Support
- Tailored Sector Based Support
- Sustainability Support such as energy saving audits
The project which is led by the East Midlands Chamber, and funded by the Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). Full guidance can be found on the website. To express interest in the accelerator programmes, use the website to find your local authority and complete the online form.
Eligibility: Each accelerator will have different eligibility criteria based on the support available. When you first enquire you will be asked to complete an expression of interest form via the D2N2 Growth Hub or your local council.
Closing date: 31 March 2025.
Website: https://www.d2n2growthhub.co.uk/accelerator/
Enquiry form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=be02r_yxIEq3g6ApmhSPvUXQXMqEXHpFiR312GqX639UMlQ5TFJYTUpQSUVIREFSSVQ0UUNPQkVOMy4u&wdLOR=c92A6AF5A-5E7E-46A4-95BF-C929ADF00DD0
NBV Enterprise Solutions
Support is currently available for individuals considering setting up in business as well as businesses trading less than 3 years in Nottinghamshire, Nottingham City, Leicester City, Rutland and Lincolnshire (excluding North Lincolnshire & North East Lincolnshire) local authority areas.
Eligibility: Available for businesses not yet trading, and those businesses that have been trading for less than 3 years.
Website: http://www.nbv.co.uk/
Tel: 0844 887 2568
E-mail: enquiries@nbv.co.uk
University of Derby Business Gateway
The Business Gateway Enquiry Team is a single point of entry to the University for businesses, external organisations and agencies. The team provides easy access to services and products that the University has to offer, ensuring enquiries are handled effectively and followed up.
The team also lead first level diagnostic conversations with businesses to identify initial requirements, advise on products/services available and determine which areas of the University need to engage with them.
Business Gateway can provide business advise on funding, student and graduate talent, knowledge and expertise, training and development, facilities and services, and enterprise.
For businesses in North East Derbyshire, there is also access to a free business health check tool, providing tailored and practical advice.
Eligibility: Available for all stages of business including businesses not yet trading.
Website: https://www.derby.ac.uk/business-services/
PSP Tool Link: https://derbyblss.fra1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6mRnxDm4MpEmuJo
Tel: 0800 001 5500
Email: businessgateway@derby.ac.uk
Kick off In Business
Are you thinking about starting a new business or becoming self-employed?
Free, fully funded, short courses offered online, providing an introduction to the key considerations of starting a business or becoming self-employed. Learners will gain two enterprise qualifications, and receive ongoing support for three months afterwards. To register your interest, complete the online form.
Following completion of the course, participants have the option to join further free programmes focussed on digital promotion and digital skills in the business, covering areas including using digital technologies and software for word processing, presentations and spreadsheets and digital skills career progression.
They also provide access to a fully funded, self-paced online Functional Skills course to help people build on their abilities in English and Maths, equivalent to a GCSE qualification.
For ex-offenders who have left the prison service, Through the Gate Support, provides learners with the opportunity to gain a recognised business qualification. Through a series of engaging sessions, the course covers all the basics of starting up, and supports learners to work with other specialist ex-offender agencies as part of their resettlement journey. To make an enquiry contact the team by emailing referrals@kickoffinbusiness.co.uk.
Eligibility: Available for people over the age of 19, not started trading or within the first 12 months of trading.
Website: https://www.kickoffinbusiness.co.uk
General contact form: https://www.kickoffinbusiness.co.uk/contact
NTU Enterprise
Nottingham Trent University's Enterprise team support businesses at all stages of their journey: start, grow, innovate and scale.
Support includes advice and support, a full schedule of enterprise events and business space at NTU’s new Dryden Enterprise Centre - catering for a full range of business needs.
Eligibility: Available for all stages of business including businesses not yet trading.
Website: https://www.ntu.ac.uk/business-and-employers/enterprise-and-business-spaces
E-mail: enterprise@ntu.ac.uk
CASE provides initial and ongoing advice for social enterprises throughout the life of the businesses as well as training, counselling, and finance sourcing. If you're looking to build sustainable social enterprises, CASE specialises in helping groups grow their capacity.
Eligibility: Available for all stages of business including businesses not yet trading.
Website: https://www.case.coop/
Tel: 0116 222 5010
E-mail: enquiries@case.coop
Made Smarter - East Midlands
Made Smarter East Midlands will provide advice and support to manufacturing businesses on how to switch to advanced and automated technologies. The programme provides digital transformation road mapping, leadership development, grant funding (up to £20,000) and access to industrial digital technology expertise to help with implementation until 31st March 2025.
Eligibility: Available for trading manufacturing businesses in the East Midlands.
Online Contact Form
Website: https://www.madesmarter.uk/adoption/in-my-region/east-midlands/
The Cyber Resilience Centre for the East Midlands
The East Midlands Cyber Resilience Centre works in partnership with cyber security companies, local universities and police forces to support and help protect businesses against cyber-crime. You will find a range of information and guidance to aid you in protecting your business, staff and customers. Different membership levels are available, including a free membership package. A range of cyber resilience services are also available – more information can be found on the website.
Eligibility: Available to all stages of business.
Website: https://www.emcrc.co.uk/
Online contact form: https://www.emcrc.co.uk/contact-us
Nottingham Trent University
Need help in elevating your business?
Nottingham Trent University provides businesses with access to expertise, facilities, professional development courses and funding to help them grow. They offer free support for businesses with recruiting new talent; developing skills; providing access to academic and technical expertise; hosting regular workshops, events and networking opportunities – upskilling established businesses and enabling entrepreneurs to bring their ideas to life.
They also offer free Digital Skills Coaching, where you can access the skills of an NTU student to provide tailored support for your business. Working with you online or face to face, they can help with projects around areas such as social media, data management, email marketing, SEO, AI tools, digital marketing, MS Teams.
Eligibility: Available for all trading stages.
Website: https://www.ntu.ac.uk/business-and-employers
Tel: 0115 848 8899
E-mail: business@ntu.ac.uk
Business & IP Centre (BIPC) Nottinghamshire
Through the Centre and network of local libraries, people starting or growing a business can access a range of advice and support services such as workshops, webinars and events, a range of e-books, online resources and market research intelligence databases (British Standards Online, COBRA, GRANTfinder, IBISWorld, Kompass, Local Data Online, Market IQ, Statista) as well as one to one advice. Some resources require you to have a library card to access them at home, which can be issued free of charge.
Eligibility: Available for all stages of business including businesses not yet trading.
Website: https://www.nottinghamcitylibraries.co.uk/our-services/business-ip-centre-nottinghamshire/
E-mail: bipc@nottinghamcity.gov.uk
Smart and Inclusive Leadership Programme (SAIL)
A management development project designed in conjunction with local businesses and is available to employees from start-ups to those more established and looking to up-skill their workforce. The programme is fully funded through the European Social Fund and will be split across a number of units, and learners will have the option to either enrol on one stand-alone unit or attend the full programme. Delivery of the programme will use a blend of flexible, online learning including live webinars and seminars, self-paced study and peer group seminar discussions.
Upcoming dates are shown on the website or complete the booking form to access future dates.
Eligibility: Aspiring leaders of the future, recent graduates, as well as those new to team supervision and management. It is designed to work for participants who are working full time.
Website: https://www.derby.ac.uk/business-services/funding/leadership-and-stem-skills-development-programmes/
Tel: 0800 001 5500
E-mail: A.Gordon@derby.ac.uk
University of Leicester Business Support
The University of Leicester can support existing businesses, social enterprises, community interest companies and charities in Leicestershire and the wider East Midlands with a range of support.
This includes:
- Developing leadership and management: Level 7 Senior Leader Apprenticeship
- Engaging with student talent: internships and placements
- Promoting vacancies to our students and graduates through our job vacancy portal and job fairs
- Development of bespoke company training in leadership and management
- Distance learning programmes in management and leadership, risk management, human resources and training
- Supporting established businesses with innovation – Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPS) to enable organisations to access relevant expertise from academics and PhD students to implement innovations; Collaborative research; Consultancy
- Beyond Boundaries: Empowering Women Leaders programme
- Negotiation Masterclass – practical training for sales and procurement staff focussed on negotiating skills
- Business Networking – bi-monthly B.I.G breakfast networking bringing 30-40 business together in a supportive environment
- Access to scientific resources: specialist services and equipment (Bio-technology, materials analysis)
- Licencing innovations and making these available for commercialisation by external organisations
Eligibility: Existing businesses, social enterprises, community interest companies and charities in Leicestershire and the wider East Midlands.
Website University of Leicester: https://le.ac.uk/enterprise/
Website University of Leicester School of Business: https://le.ac.uk/school-of-business/working-with-business
Email: ulsb.business@le.ac.uk
Empowering SMEs in International Trade Support Programme
Are you a novice or experienced importer or exporter looking for strategic and operational support to help grow your global trade?
The Empowering SMEs in International Trade support programme is a package of 1:1, workshop, and Peer support for businesses across the East Midlands, delivered by Global Trade Department and fully funded by the East Midlands Growth Hubs: Business Gateway, D2N2 and Business Lincolnshire.
This support is open to all businesses across the East Midlands who either currently trade internationally or who are planning to start; be they novice or experienced importers/exporters across both goods and services-based industries.
Eligibility: Businesses that have begun trading in the East Midlands.
Website: https://www.globaltradedept.com/empowering-smes-in-international-trade/
Email: internationalisation@globaltradedept.com
Tel: 0345 2570037
Innovate UK Business Growth
Innovate UK Business Growth (was Innovate UK EDGE) is a key part of the UK innovation agency’s investment in the innovative businesses that drive economic growth. It provides intensive, specialist-led support to ambitious innovation-led businesses to help them grow and scale.
Each high-potential, innovative business is supported by a dedicated innovation & growth specialist local to them. The specialist will consider a business in the round and, working closely with its leadership, identify the most productive ways to accelerate its growth. This could be by working on the core business plan and value proposition or through exploiting innovation, accessing funding and finance, and/or expanding into new markets.
In particular, the specialists can help companies to develop an innovation-driven business plan; understand how to protect and create value from their intellectual property; develop a strategy to fund and finance their innovation, growth and be investment ready; connect to new partners for commercial, technology and R&D collaborations; and discover opportunities in overseas markets learning how to capitalise on them.
Innovate UK Business Growth also offer the Scaleup Programme for enhanced support, the Global Incubator Programme and the Global Business Innovation Programme.
Eligibility: Available for businesses that have begun trading (innovative businesses, looking to grow and scale their business in the UK market and internationally) with up to 500 employees (250 in Northern Ireland). It is not suitable for pre-starts, or for those businesses who have no ambition to grow through innovation or internationalisation.
Website: https://iuk.ktn-uk.org/business-growth/
Online Contact Form: https://iuk.ktn-uk.org/business-growth-contact/
Tel: 0300 123 3066 (National Gateway)
East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire Nottinghamshire Leicestershire)
Offers a free business advice helpline. Their website has an extensive range of resources and guidance, enabling international trade, networking opportunities, a range of discounted services, events, training and assessment and employability schemes for young people and adults. Membership fees apply.
Eligibility: Available for businesses that have been trading over 24 months, plus businesses that have begun trading who have a clear interest in the Start up Loan Fund.
Website: http://www.emc-dnl.co.uk/
Tel: 0330 053 8639 for free Business Advice
Tel: 01332 851280 (Derby)
Tel: 0333 320 0333 (Ext: 2181) (Nottingham)
Tel: 0116 247 1800 (Leicester)
Tel: 0333 320 0333 (Membership)
E-mail: info@emc-dnl.co.uk
Lawyers For Your Business (LFYB)
Do you need legal advice? Lawyers for your business is a scheme offering a free half-hour consultation with a member of the Law Society.
The lawyer will not be able to deal with existing legal issues but can help with general legal enquiries about starting a business, employing people, contracts with customers and suppliers, taking on leased premises, business structures, health and safety and raising finance. When contacting a solicitor for a 30-minute free consultation you must advise you are calling regarding the Lawyers for your business scheme and use the named contact on the sheet sent to you from the service.
Eligibility: Available for businesses trading up to 12 months including businesses not yet trading.
Website: https://solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk/
Tel: 020 7320 5650 - If you need help with using the find a solicitor section, Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm
E-mail: lfyb@lawsociety.org.uk - please include postcode or town/city in the e-mail.
For solicitors interested in joining the LFYB scheme
Nottingham Law School Legal Advice Centre
For free advice on a range of topics, such as choosing the right business structure; understanding how to comply with employment law; protecting intellectual property rights; appropriate terms and conditions to manage customers’ expectations and commercial property issues, get in touch with the Nottingham Law School.
You can e-mail or leave a telephone message with the law school and if it’s something they can help with they will provide advice by telephone, letter and in some cases even arrange a face-to-face appointment.
Some services may incur a charge at a low market rate.
To find out more, go to https://www4.ntu.ac.uk/legal_advice_centre/
Eligibility: Available for all stages of business including businesses not yet trading.
Tel: 0115 848 2999
Online contact form: https://www.ntu.ac.uk/forms/legal-advice-enquiry-form
E-mail: enquiries@ntu.ac.uk
MEIF - Midlands Engine Investment Fund II
The Midlands Engine Investment Fund II offers commercially focussed finance through Small Business Loans, Debt Finance, Proof of Concept and Equity Finance funds.
For more information on the types of loans available, go to the following links:
Small Business Loans - from £25,000 - £100,000
Website: Smaller Loans - British Business Bank (british-business-bank.co.uk)
Debt Finance - Business loans from £100,000 - £2 million
Website: Debt Finance - British Business Bank (british-business-bank.co.uk)
Equity Finance - Later stage equity finance up to £5 million
Website: Equity Finance - British Business Bank (british-business-bank.co.uk)
Eligibility: Available for businesses that have begun trading.
Website: https://www.british-business-bank.co.uk/nations-and-regions-investment-funds/midlands-engine-investment-fund-ii-meif-ii/
For all Contact Options visit: Online Contact Form
Medilink Midlands
Medilink Midlands provides support to companies in the life sciences sector to help them form partnerships, secure grant funding, develop new products and services and share ideas.
Eligibility: Less than 250 employees and/or less than €50million annual turnover, are working in, or looking to work in, life sciences, have business premises located in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire or the South East Midlands or are thinking about moving into the area.
Tel: 0115 9932 361
Email: info@medilinkmidlands.com
Website: https://www.medilinkmidlands.com/business-support-programme-overview/
Key Fund
If you are looking for funding then Key Fund may be able to help.
Providing tailored grants and loans to support the development and growth of new and existing social enterprise activity in the North of England. Funding can be used to support revenue or capital costs, including bridging facilities, capital purchases, cashflow, refurbishment costs, running costs, set-up costs, and wages.
They also deliver bespoke workshops and one-to-one support.
Eligibility: Available for businesses that have begun trading but you must be a registered/incorporated company providing positive social or environmental impact. The fund can not support sole traders or partnerships of individuals. Applicants must have already approached a commercial lender and been refused, prior to submitting a proposal.
Tel: 0330 202 0559
Email: info@thekeyfund.co.uk
Website: https://thekeyfund.co.uk/
Invest to Grow
Invest to grow offer a mix of loans and grants according to the needs of the business - for around 30% of the cost of investment to help create long-term sustainable job growth.
The minimum award is £15k, so the minimum project cost is likely to be £50k. The maximum award size is 250k. Invest to Grow is a fund of last resort. Projects will need to demonstrate that other avenues of support and funding have been explored and why Invest to Grow funding is vital to the project going ahead.
Eligibility: Available to businesses trading over 24 months in the following sectors; food & drink manufacturing, transport equipment manufacturing, life sciences, construction, logistics, low carbon, technology, and creative industries.
Website: https://www.derby.ac.uk/business-services/funding/access-to-funding/
Tel: 01332 597 907
E-mail: investtogrow@derby.ac.uk
First Enterprise Growth Loans
Loans range from £500 up to £150,000, as part of accessing a loan business support and aftercare is provided. Loans are only available to those who may otherwise struggle to raise funding through a traditional bank loan.
Eligibility: Businesses must be trading for 18 months and able to contribute a minimum of 30% of the value of the loan. The business must demonstrate either job creation or safeguarding.
Website: https://www.first-enterprise.co.uk/business-loans/
Tel: 0345 602 7355
E-mail: reception@first-enterprise.co.uk
Online form: Registration Form
Early Stage Angel Investment Fund (ESAIF)
For businesses looking for investment to grow, this programme offers start-ups across Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire the opportunity to pitch for funding to move them forwards.
Organisations need to be looking at net zero/low carbon outcomes for their projects and creating new jobs in the business.
To apply, complete the pitch form on the website and a member of the investment team will contact you for an initial discussion. Further information about the aims of the fund and the pitch process are available on the website.
Eligibility: Available for businesses trading between 6-24 months.
Website: https://haatch.com/investors/haatch-d2n2-esaif
Pitch form: https://haatch.typeform.com/to/qZ1sPQti?typeform-source=haatch.com
Tel: 01780 408490
Email: investors@haatch.com
Procurement, tenders and winning contracts in Broxtowe
Broxtowe Borough Council
Information on doing business with the council and current contract opportunities.
Tel: 0115 917 3296
E-mail: Procurement@broxtowe.gov.uk
Nottinghamshire County Council
Information on procurement policies and tendering for opportunities within the council.
Local Supply Chain (LSC)
A collaborative online portal which allows public sector organisations, including local authorities, to highlight their upcoming building projects. Construction and property sector firms can then access that information and know what they need to do to bid for the contracts. Registration is free.
Tel: 0800 197 6958
E-mail: support@localsupplychain.co.uk
East Midlands Tenders
Free tendering portal listing opportunities across Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire.
E-mail: ProContractSuppliers@proactis.com (label the message as "Urgent" if it is time-sensitive, and include a telephone contact).
Events and networking groups in Broxtowe
D2N2 Growth Hub - Business Events
All of the events are:
- Free, fully-funded
- Open to businesses in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire
- A fantastic way to upskill your workforce
East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire)
Offers a comprehensive programme of events, seminars and workshops throughout the year. These range from networking and social events through to business seminars and management training.
Email: information@emc-dnl.co.uk
Phone Number: 0333 320 0333
Website: http://www.emc-dnl.co.uk/events
Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)
Offers Online/Virtual advice through a comprehensive programme of events, seminars and workshops throughout the year designed for small business owners and the self-employed.
Online Contact Form: https://www.fsb.org.uk/contact-us.html#tab3
Website: https://www.fsb.org.uk/event-calendar.html
Medilink Midlands
Membership organisation. Offers specialist support to organisations in the bioscience and healthcare community. Membership services include commercial opportunities; networking events; access to a specialist healthcare information resource centre and web portal; training programme; regular newsletters.
Tel: 0121 452 5630
Email: info@medilinkmidlands.com
Website: https://www.medilinkmidlands.com/events/
Premises in Broxtowe
D2N2 Growth Hub - Finding Property
Information about premises providers in the Growth Hub area.
Tel: 0333 006 9178
Invest in Nottingham
Offer advice on locations and property.
Tel: 0115 721 0430
Nottinghamshire County Council
Council property for let and sale.
Online Contact Form