
Local Factsheet - Coventry

Business Growth West Midlands (DS)

Are you looking to start or grow a business in the West Midlands?

Business Growth West Midlands offers free, tailored guidance and information to help you overcome challenges and source finance and funding options.  They can also support your aims for sustainability and offer advice on upskilling your staff or bringing an apprentice into your business.  To express your interest, complete the online contact form or call the team to discuss further.  The service is provided by West Midlands Combined Authority, in partnership with councils across the region.

Eligibility: Available for all stages of business including businesses not yet trading.

Website: https://www.businessgrowthwestmidlands.org.uk/

Tel: 0345 646 1352

Contact form: https://www.businessgrowthwestmidlands.org.uk/#register

Coventry City Council

Coventry City Council is a great source of information and business advice offering support on areas such as food safety, commercial property search facilities, sector support, guidance on compliance and licensing inward investment and procurement.

Eligibility: Available for all stages of business including businesses not yet trading.

Website: https://www.coventry.gov.uk/business-licensing

General Tel: 08085 834 333

E-mail: business@coventry.gov.uk

Coventry and Warwickshire Co-operative Development Agency (CWCDA)

Are you looking to set up a social enterprise, community business or co-operative?

Coventry and Warwickshire Co-operative Development Agency (CWCDA) provides free business support for local people to create and sustain social enterprises. 

Eligibility: Available for all stages of business including businesses not yet trading.

Website: http://www.cwcda.co.uk/

Tel: 024 7663 3911

E-mail: info@cwcda.co.uk

The University of Warwick Science Park's Business Support Service

The University of Warwick Science Park's Business Support Service provides services for innovation-led businesses ranging from start-up support to consultancy for established firms. The university is also offering a business readiness programme to businesses who are looking to grow under the Business Ready name.

They have also launched the Growth Plus Network for growing businesses who have accessed support from Business Ready.

Eligibility: Available for all stages of business including businesses not yet trading.

Website: http://www.warwicksciencepark.co.uk/business-support

General Tel: 024 7632 3000

E-mail: more-info@uwsp.co.uk

Business Ready Tel: 024 7632 3121

E-mail: businessready@uwsp.co.uk

Business & IP Centre (BIPC) Birmingham

The Business and IP Centre (BIPC) at the Library of Birmingham offers a wide range of resources and information to businesses.

The library has an advice and planning service where advisors are available to support people who want to start, run and grow a business, develop a business idea, or need help with intellectual property issues.

Specialist resources include access to market research reports via the IBISWorld service, plus subscriptions to databases such as COBRA, Creditsafe, FAME and Kompass. Some services need the user to be a library member.

Eligibility: Available for all stages of business including businesses not yet trading.

Business Services website: https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/BIPC

Business events website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/business-amp-learning-in-the-library-of-birmingham-15352353438 

Tel: 0121 303 6800

E-mail: BusinessandLearning@birmingham.gov.uk


Are you a social enterprise or are you looking to start one?

iSE offers advice and assistance to people starting and growing a social enterprise. Offering a range of services, including online resources and toolkits, business consultancy, events, networking, women's enterprise community hub, room hire and hot desking facilities.

Eligibility: Available for all stages of business including businesses not yet trading.

Website: http://www.i-se.co.uk/

Tel: 0121 771 1411

E-mail: info@i-se.co.uk

Investment Readiness - West Midlands

Support is available to businesses across the West Midlands, to help strengthen their success rate when seeking external investment.  Aimed at start-ups, SMEs in their first years of trading with potential for high growth, and those looking to scale up, the programme runs in two stages. Participants will receive business engagement, information and advice first, followed by mentoring to develop their pitch for potential investors.  Businesses taking part can expect some valuable topics covered including:
Debt finance i.e. loans & overdrafts
-    Asset Finance
-    Finding and applying for grants
-    Equity
-    Crowdfunding
-    Creating forecasts and business planning documents
-    Pitch decks

Two providers are delivering the programme across the West Midlands; Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub, and Oxford Innovation Advice.  For contact details of your nearest provider, visit the website.

Eligibility: Available for businesses that have begun trading (with less than 250 employees).

Closing date: March 2025


Aston University - Business Support

Aston University provides a wide range of services to support business through start up and growth.

From funded programmes offering consultancy to solve business challenges, facilities and expertise to help you innovate and explore key areas like intellectual property, to supporting employers with developing their workforce and recruiting student and graduate talent, the team can work with organisations of all stages, sizes and sectors.  To reach out and express interest, complete the online enquiry form.

Eligibility: Available to all stages of business. Eligibility criteria for individual programmes can be found on the website.

Website: https://www.aston.ac.uk/business

The Cyber Resilience Centre for the West Midlands

The Cyber Resilience Centre for the West Midlands is led by police officers and dedicated cyber talent to support and help protect small businesses, SMEs, supply chain businesses and third sector organisations against cybercrime. There is free membership to the Centre, which gives full access to a range of jargon-free resources, toolkits and guidance.  Different membership levels are available depending on organisational needs and a range of cyber resilience services such as cyber security training and testing services are also offered at a cost – more information can be found on the website. 

Eligibility: Available to all stages of business. 

Website: https://www.wmcrc.co.uk/

Online contact form: https://www.wmcrc.co.uk/contact-us

Made Smarter - West Midlands

A programme for manufacturing companies in the West Midlands. Made Smarter is designed to help accelerate growth through access to a range of support.

This includes advice from digital specialists with a fully funded assessment and digital roadmap for your business, help with your strategy to implement new technologies, leadership & management training, access to digital skills resources and workshops, support for technological innovations, plus up to 50% match-funding towards the purchase of hardware and software.

To find out more and make an enquiry, visit the website.

Eligibility: Manufacturing businesses that have begun trading who are looking to grow.

Website: https://www.madesmarter.uk/adoption/in-my-region/west-midlands/

Investment Readiness - Coventry

Support is available to businesses in Coventry, to help strengthen their success rate when seeking external investment.  Aimed at start-ups, SMEs in their first years of trading with potential for high growth, and those looking to scale up, the programme runs in two stages. Participants will receive business engagement, information and advice first, followed by mentoring to develop their pitch for potential investors.  Businesses taking part can expect some valuable topics covered including:
Debt finance i.e. loans & overdrafts
-    Asset Finance
-    Finding and applying for grants
-    Equity
-    Crowdfunding
-    Creating forecasts and business planning documents
-    Pitch decks

C&W Business Solutions, part of the CW Growth Hub Group, is delivering the programme. For more information before applying to join, contact the team.

Eligibility: Available for businesses that have begun trading (with less than 250 employees).

Investment Readiness Programme

E-mail: investmentreadiness@cwgrowthhub.co.uk

Expression of interest form:
Investment Readiness Programme Coventry (EOI)

Supply Chain Transition

Manufacturers across the West Midlands looking to build their supply chain and make connections with potential clients, can access a range of support to further accelerate their journey.  Through facilitated group workshops and 1-2-1 advice, participants will learn about areas such as bidding, winning and managing contracts, risk analysis, standards and accreditations, operational processes and technology.  This knowledge can then be put into practice at a series of meet the buyer events.  To express your interest, complete the online form.

Eligibility: Available to trading businesses. 

Website: https://www.businessgrowthwestmidlands.org.uk/business-support/supply-chain-transition/

Innovate UK Business Growth

Innovate UK Business Growth (was Innovate UK EDGE) is a key part of the UK innovation agency’s investment in the innovative businesses that drive economic growth. It provides intensive, specialist-led support to ambitious innovation-led businesses to help them grow and scale.

Each high-potential, innovative business is supported by a dedicated innovation & growth specialist local to them. The specialist will consider a business in the round and, working closely with its leadership, identify the most productive ways to accelerate its growth. This could be by working on the core business plan and value proposition or through exploiting innovation, accessing funding and finance, and/or expanding into new markets.

In particular, the specialists can help companies to develop an innovation-driven business plan; understand how to protect and create value from their intellectual property; develop a strategy to fund and finance their innovation, growth and be investment ready; connect to new partners for commercial, technology and R&D collaborations; and discover opportunities in overseas markets learning how to capitalise on them.

Innovate UK Business Growth  also offer the Scaleup Programme for enhanced support, the Global Incubator Programme and the Global Business Innovation Programme.

Eligibility: Available for businesses that have begun trading (innovative businesses, looking to grow and scale their business in the UK market and internationally) with up to 500 employees (250 in Northern Ireland). It is not suitable for pre-starts, or for those businesses who have no ambition to grow through innovation or internationalisation.

Website: https://iuk.ktn-uk.org/business-growth/

Online Contact Form: https://iuk.ktn-uk.org/business-growth-contact/ 

Tel: 0300 123 3066  (National Gateway)

West Midlands Growth Company (previously Marketing Birmingham)

Looking to grow your business in the West Midlands region?

The West Midlands Growth Company aims to raise the profile of the West Midlands Combined Authority region in national and global markets, making it more attractive to investors. It seeks to create new jobs, expand existing businesses and attract new businesses and investment to the region.

Eligibility: Available for businesses trading over 24 months.

Website: https://wmgrowth.com/

Tel: 0121 202 5115

E-mail: info@wmgrowth.com

Lawyers For Your Business (LFYB)

Do you need legal advice? Lawyers for your business is a scheme offering a free half-hour consultation with a member of the Law Society.

The lawyer will not be able to deal with existing legal issues but can help with general legal enquiries about starting a business, employing people, contracts with customers and suppliers, taking on leased premises, business structures, health and safety and raising finance. When contacting a solicitor for a 30-minute free consultation you must advise you are calling regarding the Lawyers for your business scheme and use the named contact on the sheet sent to you from the service.

Eligibility: Available for businesses trading up to 12 months including businesses not yet trading.

Website: https://solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk/

Tel: 020 7320 5650 - If you need help with using the find a solicitor section, Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm

E-mail: lfyb@lawsociety.org.uk - please include postcode or town/city in the e-mail.

For solicitors interested in joining the LFYB scheme

Birmingham FLAG - University of Birmingham

Does your business require legal support?

Birmingham FLAG can offer legal advice. The programme is operated by students at the University of Birmingham, working under the supervision of qualified legal professionals.

To access this service you should leave a message or e-mail the service, giving your contact details and enquiry, and a member of the FLAG team will attempt to contact you by telephone. The team will only make three attempts to contact you before they close the matter.

A decision will be made as to whether they can help and, if they can, then they will arrange an appointment.

Eligibility: Available for all stages of business including businesses not yet trading.

Closing Date: Birmingham Flag support runs from the start of October to mid-December and from the end of January to the end of March each year.

Pre-booked appointments are held in The Exchange at the University of Birmingham (Broad Street) during Autumn and Spring term times only.  Online appointments are also available. 

Website: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/schools/law/flag/index.aspx

Tel: 0121 415 8812


BPP Enterprise Clinic

Free legal advice service to small businesses or individuals looking to start a business in England. The Clinic can assist with legal advice on: setting up a business, help protecting your intellectual property, a dispute with a supplier, customer completing forms for incorporating a company, advising on contractual issues, disputes with customers, co-founders or suppliers, business partners, a legal query about your business tenancy, checking the Companies House register and providing other practical support and advice.

To submit your query online: http://probono.bppuniversity.ac.uk/blog/projects/business-legal-advice/

If unable to submit your query online please email: legalhelp@my.bpp.com and cc in enterprise@my.bpp.com

Website: http://probono.bppuniversity.ac.uk/blog/projects/business-legal-advice/

Eligibility: Available for all stages of business including businesses not yet trading.

Additional Information: Individual cases must be suitable for the Clinic and this is assessed on a case-by-case basis after submitting the enquiry or an initial phone interview. Queries submitted online will likely be proceed more quickly than voicemails. Law students will conduct a video meeting with the individual or business to gather further information on the query. They follow up each interview with a detailed letter of advice supervised by a qualified lawyer.

Brum Breathes Financial Incentives

SMEs based in the West Midlands who conduct commercial operations within the centre of Birmingham could be eligible for financial incentives through Birmingham City Council, designed to offer support towards replacing their LGV (Light Goods Vehicle) and HDV (Heavy Duty Vehicle) to meet required emission standards. 

These include a grant of up to £15,000 for a heavy goods vehicle and up to £4,000 for a light goods vehicle.  The fund can be used towards the cost of retrofitting existing vehicles, purchasing and/or leasing compliant vehicles or exit/relocation costs.

Registered owners of Hackney Carriage or Private Hire Vehicles, licensed by Birmingham City Council, who have owned their vehicles since before 2018 are also able to access support between £5,000 - £10,000 depending on the vehicle, towards the costs of a clean vehicle retrofit accreditation scheme (CVRAS) approved Retrofit Solution, or towards the operating expenses of a Birmingham licensed electric or ULEV HC vehicle.

Eligibility: Businesses must have been trading for over 12 months and own or lease a qualifying vehicle that does not meet the Birmingham City area Clean Air Zone emission standards. They will need to be able to prove the frequency of travel into the Clean Air Zone (based on current operations) and the current emissions standard of the eligible, non-compliant vehicle.

Location: Businesses must be based in the West Midlands and carry out commercial operations within the centre of Birmingham.

E-mail: https://www.brumbreathes.co.uk/info/27/financial-incentives/2/clean-air-zone-1/4
Apply via the website.

Email: cleanair@birmingham.gov.uk 

Tel: 0121 464 7474.


Coventry and Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust (CWRT)

Different grant and loan schemes are available ranging from £1,000 to £150,000, such as start-up loans, commercial loans, The Local Community and Enterprise Fund, The Financial Fit masterclasses for female entrepreneurs and the Duplex Investment Fund.  Repayment terms and amounts vary depending on the scheme accessed. Contact the provider to discuss your options for support.

Eligibility: Available for all stages of business including businesses not yet trading.

Website: www.cwrt.uk.com

Tel: 02476 551 777

Online contact form: https://www.cwrt.uk.com/contact-us/

Decarbonisation Net Zero Programme - Coventry & Warwickshire

The Decarbonisation Net Zero Programme in affiliation with Business Energy Advice Service (BEAS) aims to support businesses Coventry and Warwickshire with their journey towards net zero and energy reduction.

Businesses can access information and advice including 1:1 guidance, workshops and webinars, support with understanding new regulations and a free energy assessment providing recommendations for energy reduction to lower business costs. 

Then after a business has undertaken an energy assessment there is the opportunity to apply for a grant of up to £100,000 (up to 50% of costs) towards energy-efficient lighting systems, improving heating and cooling or exploring renewable energy sources. 

For energy intensive manufacturing businesses in the West Midlands who have high energy consumption and are struggling with rising costs, there is also the Business Energy Advice Service – Energy Intensive (BEAS EI).  It offers fully-funded, practical help from engineers and expert manufacturing practitioners to diagnose energy inefficiencies, find practical solutions to save money, and become more sustainable, plus the opportunity to apply for a grant up to £100,000.

Eligibility: Trading SMEs with less than 250 employees.  Please check online for further eligibility.

Website: https://www.coventry.gov.uk/decarbonisation-net-zero-programme-coventry/decarbonisation-net-zero-programme-coventry-info

MEIF - Midlands Engine Investment Fund II

The Midlands Engine Investment Fund II offers commercially focussed finance through Small Business Loans, Debt Finance, Proof of Concept and Equity Finance funds. 

For more information on the types of loans available, go to the following links:

Small Business Loans - from £25,000 - £100,000
Smaller Loans - British Business Bank (british-business-bank.co.uk)

Debt Finance - Business loans from £100,000 - £2 million
Website: Debt Finance - British Business Bank (british-business-bank.co.uk)

Equity Finance - Later stage equity finance up to £5 million
Website: Equity Finance - British Business Bank (british-business-bank.co.uk)

Eligibility: Available for businesses that have begun trading.

For all Contact Options visit: Online Contact Form

ART Business Loans

Is your business looking for a loan between £10,000 and £150,000?

ART is a Community Development Finance Institution (CDFI) which provides business loans to existing businesses and social enterprises in the West Midlands that are unable to receive their full funding requirements from their bank. 

Eligibility: Available for businesses that have begun trading.

Website: http://www.reinvest.co.uk/

Tel: 0121 359 2444

E-mail: art@artbusinessloans.co.uk

BCRS Business Loans

BCRS offers business loans from £10,000 to £150,000 to businesses that are unable to access mainstream finance from sources such as banks. They also offer loans to businesses making a positive contribution to the social, environmental, or economic well-being within their area.

Eligibility: Available for businesses that have begun trading. Lend to most market sectors including construction, engineering, IT services, manufacturing, service providers and wholesalers.

Website: https://bcrs.org.uk/

Tel: 0345 313 8410

E-mail: enquiries@bcrs.org.uk

Access Fund

Charities and social enterprises who focus on providing critical services to those affected by the cost-of-living crisis in their community, can access a package of support to help them become more sustainable and explore avenues such as an income generating aspect to the business.

Organisations will receive potential grants between £5,000 and £7,500 or combined loan and grant from £20,000 to £40,000; a one-hour online business advice session with Coventry & Warwickshire CDA; and an opportunity to join a Peer-to-Peer Network with similar organisations who are also making a real difference in each area and to develop new connections.  For further details and to express interest, visit the website.

Website: https://www.cwrt.uk.com/access-programme

Available to charities and social enterprises who are trading.

Tel: 02476 551 777 

Key Fund

If you are looking for funding then Key Fund may be able to help.

Providing tailored grants and loans to support the development and growth of new and existing social enterprise activity in the North of England. Funding can be used to support revenue or capital costs, including bridging facilities, capital purchases, cashflow, refurbishment costs, running costs, set-up costs, and wages.

They also deliver bespoke workshops and one-to-one support.

Eligibility: Available for businesses that have begun trading but you must be a registered/incorporated company providing positive social or environmental impact. The fund can not support sole traders or partnerships of individuals. Applicants must have already approached a commercial lender and been refused, prior to submitting a proposal.

Tel: 0330 202 0559

Email: info@thekeyfund.co.uk 

Website: https://thekeyfund.co.uk/

Regional Debt Fund - West Midlands

Looking to add investment into your business?

The Regional Debt Fund provides loan/equity investment in amounts from £250K up to £2m towards growth capital, job creation, capital expenditure, product development, export development or marketing development.

Eligibility: Available to businesses trading over 24 months.

Website: https://www.frontierdevelopmentcapital.com/funding/regional-debt-fund/

Tel: 0345 319 4528

E-mail: info@frontierdevelopmentcapital.com

West Midlands Co-Investment Fund

A programme offering businesses with high-growth potential up to £ 1 million of equity investment (50% of costs) towards projects that will help them scale up.  They provide guidance on business planning, and a viable business plan is required in order to apply for the scheme. 

To express interest, submit your business plan online or contact a member of the team for more information before applying.

Eligibility: Trading businesses with growth potential. 

Website: https://midven.co.uk/west-midlands-coinvestment-fund/

Email: enquiries@midven.com <enquiries@midven.com

Procurement, tenders and winning contracts in Coventry

Coventry City Council
Current tender opportunities and information on procurement policies and procedures.

Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire's Joint E-Tendering System (CSW-JETS)
Offers current tender opportunities for Coventry, Solihull, North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth, Rugby, Warwick and Stratford on Avon councils.

Find it in CW
Shows public and private sector tender opportunities Coventry and Warwickshire suppliers can bid for, plus access to procurement workshops, business support events and Meet-the-Buyer events for major infrastructure projects.  Access to the portal is free, charges may apply for some services.

Events and networking groups in Coventry

CW Growth Hub
Organise business events, with a particular focus on the Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME) sector.

C & W Champions
A network of businesses and organisations passionate about promoting Coventry & Warwickshire. Offer meetings, events, and the opportunity to become a Champion.

Creative, Cultural and Tourism Network
A free network for organisations and freelancers in these sectors or businesses supplying them.

Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce
Events are run from Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce. Charges may apply.

IoD West Midlands
West Midlands Branch of the Institute of Directors.

Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)
Events calendar for UK based businesses.

FAB Networking - Coventry East
Networking organisation.  First meeting is free (fees apply after this).

BNI Godiva Coventry
Coventry chapter of BNI.

Medilink Midlands
Membership organisation. Offers specialist support to organisations in the bioscience and healthcare community. Membership services include commercial opportunities; networking events; access to a specialist healthcare information resource centre and web portal; training programme; regular newsletters.

Premises in Coventry

Invest in Coventry and Warwickshire
Property search tool available.

Invest West Midlands
The Inward Investment team provide advice and information on locating a business to the West Midlands, including details of key business development sites, business centres and business parks, and a commercial property search facility.
E-mail: invest@wmgrowth.com