
FCA - Financial Conduct Authority

FCA - Financial Conduct Authority

The FCA is the regulatory authority for the financial services industry in the UK. Their aim is to protect consumers, ensure the financial services industry in the UK remains stable and to promote healthy competition between financial services providers.

Firms and individuals can only conduct regulated financial service activities in the UK if they are authorised by the FCA to do so.

Businesses with enquiries regarding regulation or authorisation can be directed here.
The FCA Handbook of rules and regulations can be found here: https://www.handbook.fca.org.uk/

Website: http://www.fca.org.uk/

Tel: 0300 500 8082 from the UK, or +44 207 066 1000 from abroad. This line is for firms (including consumer credit firms and people representing a firm).

E-mail: firm.queries@fca.org.uk

See also http://www.fca.org.uk/site-info/contact for relevant contact details.


Innovate has been developed by the FCA to foster competition and growth in financial services by supporting both small and large businesses that are developing products that could improve services for consumers.

The project includes an Innovation Hub to provide direct support from a team of dedicated FCA staff to both regulated and non-regulated innovators. In order to receive support from the FCA, businesses will need to show that their innovation could bring benefits to the end consumer, either an individual or a business. Qualifying authorised businesses will have access to a range of services that includes a dedicated contact for innovation-related queries, guidance and support for up to 1 year.


Tel: 020 7066 4488

E-mail: innovationhub@fca.org.uk