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Local and national support

Trade Associations - Finance (including Accountancy and Insurance)

Websites and contact details for trade associations for the finance, accountancy and insurance sector.

Portobello Business Centre

Offering free and subsidised information, advice and workshops for new trading small or micro-businesses.

The Export Support Directory

Connecting UK businesses with in-market specialists, the Export Support Directory provides direct access to trusted experts worldwide.

The Business Clinic (Northumbria University)

Free consultancy advice for your business through Northumbria University.

Business Resilience Grant: Renfrewshire

50% match-funded grant from £1,000 up to £10,000


A programme to help people over the age of 50 in Shropshire to start a business.

Startup School for Seniors

Startup School for Seniors empowers you to turn your life or work experience into a thriving business you love.

FLA - Finance and Leasing Association

The Finance & Leasing Association (FLA) is a UK trade association for the consumer credit, motor finance and asset finance sectors.


Innovate has been developed by the FCA to foster competition and growth in financial services by supporting both small and large businesses to develop products.

Employment Rights Bill

Guidance on the changes some employment regulations.

Guidance on what a dormant company is and what it must do.

British Business Investments (BBI)

British Business Investments (BBI) is a government-owned firm supporting UK SMEs by providing financing options to businesses that struggle to access traditional loans or capital markets.

Research and Development (R&D) Tax Relief for Corporation Tax

Information and guidance on claiming tax relief for research and development costs.

Build Your Business

Programme for start-up businesses in Northamptonshire

This is Me

This is Me is a supported employment agency that can help people with disabilities, chronic illnesses, or mental health conditions gain support and empowerment.

Tees Valley Entrepreneurs

Support for people to start their own business in Tees Valley.


A programme for people starting tech or digital based businesses in the West of England

Invest in Fylde

The Invest in Fylde website showcases all there is to offer to businesses in Fylde.

AD:VENTURE Programme

AD:VENTURE offers a variety of support including funding and coaching to potential high-growth businesses in the West Yorkshire area.

Acumen - InterTradeIreland

The Acumen programme aims to enhance the capacity and capability of SMEs to take the first formal steps onto the export ladder by helping to fund an experienced and skilled sales resource.

West Lothian Council Innovation Grant

A grant fund to help businesses in West Lothian with innovation.

Business Grants - East Renfrewshire Council

These grants are provided as part of our East Renfrewshire Business Support package and open to businesses located and trading in East Renfrewshire.

Growth Guarantee Scheme

Loans to help businesses to invest and grow.

Low Carbon Grant Project - Doncaster

This project will provide support to 260 SME's in Sheffield, Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham to help them understand the opportunities available to reduce their carbon footprint.
More Local and national support