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Local and national support

Premises in Lincoln

Organisations that provide support and guidance to businesses who are looking for premises.

Premises in Manchester

Organisations that provide support and guidance to businesses who are looking for premises.

Premises in Dover

Organisations that provide support and guidance to businesses who are looking for premises.

UKRI - UK Research and Innovation

UK Research and Innovation collaborate with other research centres to build an inclusive research and innovation system.

Cell and Gene Therapy

Catapult Centre can help whether you're at the very start of your research, looking to manufacture therapies, or need regulatory support.

Medicines Discovery Catapult

Offers innovation support to businesses developing new medicines or technologies.


Investment for life sciences and biotech sectors.

NHS Innovation Hubs

NHS Innovation Hubs help to evaluate, protect and exploit ideas to deliver healthcare improvements.

Trade Associations - Health, Care and Medical

Websites and contact details for trade associations for the health, care and medical sectors.

LYVA Labs - Health and Life Sciences Fund

Do you need support to develop an innovative idea for the health and life sciences sector?

Funded Cyber Essentials Programme for small tech organisations

Small organisations from specific sectors in the UK are being invited to take part in the Funded Cyber Essentials Programme.

Business Growth Grant - East Ayrshire

The Business Growth grant is available to support the eligible costs of implementing growth plans.

New Anglia Capital

New Anglia Capital supports businesses if they want to kick start a new product or idea.

Glasgow Business Growth Programme

Specialist support for growing businesses in Glasgow.

Acumen - InterTradeIreland

The Acumen programme aims to enhance the capacity and capability of SMEs to take the first formal steps onto the export ladder by helping to fund an experienced and skilled sales resource.

AD:VENTURE Programme

AD:VENTURE offers a variety of support including funding and coaching to potential high-growth businesses in the West Yorkshire area.

West Lothian Council Innovation Grant

A grant fund to help businesses in West Lothian with innovation.

Business Grants - East Renfrewshire Council

These grants are provided as part of our East Renfrewshire Business Support package and open to businesses located and trading in East Renfrewshire.

Growth Guarantee Scheme

Loans to help businesses to invest and grow.

Low Carbon Grant Project - Doncaster

This project will provide support to 260 SME's in Sheffield, Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham to help them understand the opportunities available to reduce their carbon footprint.

Invest in Fylde

The Invest in Fylde website showcases all there is to offer to businesses in Fylde.

The Shetland Business Start-Up Grant Scheme

The Shetland Business Start-Up Grant Scheme provides funding to newly established businesses in Shetland.

Trade Export Pathway - InterTradeIreland

If you are at the early stage of developing a cross-border business plan, this programme could help you prepare to export for the first time.

Special Regeneration Fund (SRF)

Grants towards projects to help your business grow.
More Local and national support