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Local and national support

Cornwall Trade and Investment (Cornwall Trade and Development)

Support and guidance are available for businesses looking to set up or relocate to the area.

Enterprising Barnsley

Is your business in need of support? Enterprising Barnsley supports local businesses and individuals that are looking to start up, expand, invest and relocate.

Low Carbon Dorset

Low Carbon Dorset offers businesses in the area, technical support.

Everton Development Trust

Advice and support for people wishing to set up a business or Social Enterprise in the Liverpool City Region area.

3M Buckley Innovation Centre Huddersfield

Offers businesses access to an extensive range of technology, equipment and software to help business innovation and productivity improvement.

Premises in Sunderland

Organisations that provide support and guidance to businesses who are looking for premises.

Coventry Business Support Programme

A business support programme targeted at helping businesses with growth potential.

LLEP Business Gateway (Leicester & Leicestershire Growth Hub) (DS)

Information on the local Growth Hub service covering Leicestershire.


Are you in or looking to start a business in the creative industries of music, film, photography, digital media and design?

Southwark Pioneers Fund Accelerator

Have you got big growth plans and want to find new funding opportunities? Scaling a business is hard but when you have the right support around you, you can take your business to the next level.

ReLondon Business Transformation

Are you a London-based business looking at circular economy strategies and innovations?

North East Fund (loans and investments)

Various funding options available to SME businesses based in North East England.

Chamber Low Carbon - Lancashire

Are you a Lancashire based business? Do you want to reduce your carbon footprint, save money and drive efficiencies?

Folkestone & Hythe District Council

A summary of what information, guidance and support is offered to businesses by the local council.

National Funding Tools

Grants, Finance & Support Schemes - National Portals

Make it Net Zero

Advice for manufacturers working towards Net Zero in the South West.
More Local and national support