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Local and national support

Digital Link

Support for businesses to improve digital skills.

Embedded Digital Champion Training

Training for organisations to digitally upskill customer facing staff.

Go Digital - Norfolk

Advice and funding for Norfolk businesses to improve their digital skills

North of Tyne Digital Skills Innovation and Leadership Project

Funded short courses to build digital skills.

Workplace Digital Skills (WDS) programme

Funded short courses to build digital skills.

Institute Of Sales Professionals (ISP)

The Institute of Sales Professionals (ISP) is a professional organisation dedicated to supporting and developing sales professionals.

Selling overseas via Amazon - Amazon European Expansion Accelerator

Online tool for businesses selling goods via the Amazon website.

Loughborough BID Business Support Programme

Training and support to build digital marketing skills for businesses in Loughborough

Maybe Digital Marketing Bucks

A fully funded digital marketing programme for independent high street businesses in Buckinghamshire.

Going Green Together

Website and network for VCSE organisations to share net zero best practice.

Digital Boost

A national programme of support to help businesses develop digital skills.

Barclays Digital Wings

Free online resource from Barclays which offers digital learning support.

Luton Online: Digital Marketing Launchpad

Provides business support and training in Luton to help learn new skills to take a hands on approach to marketing and digitalising your business.

Huntingdonshire Digital Manufacturing Growth Programme

Digital Adoption for Huntingdonshire Manufacturing SMEs.

Digital Catapult

The Digital Catapult assists in connecting technology businesses, investors, government and public sector and research/academia.

The National Digital Inclusion Network - Digital advice centres

Online Centres Network is overseen by the Good things Foundation which is the UK’s leading digital inclusion organisation.

Wandsworth Ignite Business Programme

The programme caters to all  businesses and residents looking to start and grow by offering multiple schemes.

Going Dutch - Invest Northern Ireland

Going Dutch is an early stage exporter programme to explore new business opportunities in The Netherlands.

Making Tax Digital

Information on HMRC's plans to move to a fully digital tax system.

Digital Pathfinders

Digital Pathfinders helps SMEs, charities and social enterprises across Newcastle, North Tyneside and Northumberland become more successful and resilient by adopting digital technology.

Digital Creative

Are you in the digital and creative sector or just looking to innovate through digital technologies?

Digital Boost Programme Mid & East Antrim

If you are a business based in Mid & East Antrim and looking to develop your digital reach or products and services get in touch with the Digital Boost Programme.

Google Digital Garage

Google Digital Garage offers training and events on improving your business digitally in various locations across the UK.

Digital Development Grant - Renfrewshire Council

The Digital Development Grant provides businesses located within Renfrewshire with financial support to assist them with the development and implementation of new digital systems
More Local and national support