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Local and national support

Mentoring for Growth - Scottish Borders

Offers a fully funded mentoring program accessing specialists and mentors to gain assistance in overcoming challenges to business growth.

Innovation Grant Mentoring

Mentoring support for businesses in Norfolk and Suffolk applying for Innovate UK funding

Stoke and Staffordshire Growth Hub Fully-funded Business Coaching and Mentoring Service

Stoke and Staffordshire Growth Hub offers free mentoring, providing tailored guidance, actionable plans, and problem-solving support to help businesses achieve goals and drive growth.

Retail Business Mentoring and Support Programme - North Northamptonshire Council

The Retail Business mentoring and support programme offers free mentoring and support for Independent high street and retail businesses in North Northamptonshire.


An online service offering businesses the opportunity to get in touch with business mentors

Association of Business Mentors

Professional association that promotes and improves professional business mentoring standards.

Disabled Entrepreneurs

Disabled Entrepreneurs assists people with disabilities to move into self-employment.

Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women

10,000 Women is a free to access online business education programme available to women around the world.

Digital Boost

A national programme of support to help businesses develop digital skills.

Inverclyde Council

A summary of what information, guidance and support is offered to businesses by the local council.

Harrow Support for Growth Programme

Support for Growth is a tailored business advice programme. It supports existing businesses and helps residents start new businesses in Harrow.

Cambridge City Council

A summary of what information, guidance and support is offered to businesses by the local council.

Workspace Ltd (Draperstown)

Provide support to new and existing businesses through a variety of support programmes.

Exploring Enterprise

Are you based in Northern Ireland and looking to start a new business?

Start Your Own Business - Dumfries and Galloway

Mentoring and information resources for people starting up in Dumfries and Galloway.

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council

A summary of what information, guidance and support is offered to businesses by the local council.

Down Business Centre

Provides business accommodations for light industrial, commercial and service sector businesses,

Talking Business – Business Start-Up Support Programme

Supporting pre-start, start ups and early stage micros to build a viable, sustainable business.

Bedford Borough Business Boost

Bedford Borough Business Boost is a resource dedicated to providing tailored support for aspiring entrepreneurs or business owners that are just starting out and looking to grow.

Barclays Eagle Labs

A range of programmes and support services for entrepreneurs and scale-ups across the UK.

Dumfries and Galloway Chamber of Commerce

A membership organisation supporting businesses in Dumfries and Galloway.

Queens University Belfast

Offers businesses support covering various topics including recruiting their students and graduates to events and innovation.


Free business-related courses offered by the Open University.

Start & Grow York

The Start & Grow York programme offers mentoring and support for business, whether it’s the seed of an idea, a young company, or a fully fledged business.
More Local and national support