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National Highways

National Highways (formerly Highways England) works with the Department Transport. They operate, maintain and improve England's highways and major A roads.

Apprenticeships National Insurance Contributions

What National Insurance Contributions need to be paid for apprentices?

NCS - National Careers Service

The National Careers Service provides information, advice, and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training, and work opportunities.

National Lottery Awards For All Scotland

Awards for All Scotland funds a wide range of community projects based in Scotland.

National Business Crime Centre

A resource for businesses to learn about preventing and combatting crime.

The Peak District National Park Authority

Supporting businesses in the Peak District with support and signposting to other services.

National Lottery Open Fund for Organisations

The fund aims to support organisations who seek funding to undertake creative activity such as a specific project or production, a programme of creative work, or a period of research and development.

National Funding Tools

Grants, Finance & Support Schemes - National Portals

NLW - National Living Wage

Details on national minimum wage rates for employees.

National Space Innovation Programme

Details of the UK Space Agency programme that provides co-funding to support the development of innovations with high potential to catalyse investment into the UK space sector.

National Lottery Community Funds

A range of funds for organisations providing services in their communities

National Lottery Heritage Funds

Funding for heritage projects.

National Federation of Roofing Contractors (NFRC)

The National Federation of Roofing Contractors represents member roofing contractors throughout the UK.

National Careers Service - Skills Toolkit

The National Careers Service has created a finder tool to help you source free skills training.

Pay & Work Rights Helpline & National Minimum Wage

Information and guidance on work rights and national minimum wage rates.

National Association of Funeral Directors - (NAFD)

The National Association of Funeral Directors represents member funeral homes throughout the UK.

NCSC - National Cyber Security Centre

The NCSC acts as a bridge between industry and government, providing advice, guidance and support on cyber security.

ProContract - national contracts register

Offers access to contracts for private and public sector organisations across England.

National Tooling Loan Fund

The loan fund has been created to help toolmakers and component manufacturers develop and manufacture tooling or the expansion of tooling capacity.

National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting - (NICEIC)

The National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting regulates the training and work of electrical enterprises throughout the UK.

Food Crime Confidential - The National Food Crime Unit

A reporting facility where anyone with suspicions of about food crime can report their concerns.

National Careers Service - Skills Health Check

Working through the Skills Health Check can help you to decide what kind of jobs or business type might be right for you.

NCSC - National Cyber Security Centre - Reporting and Threats

Details on how to deal with threats and how to report them as well as details on how to reduce the risks.

National Network of Business & IP Centres (BIPC)

A network of Business and Intellectual Property Centres around the country, for businesses to access intellectual property advice. Many also offer general business support too.
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