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Local and national support

North Tyneside Business Forum

Networking for businesses in North Tyneside to ensures local businesses are well connected and represented.

Premises in North Tyneside

Organisations that provide support and guidance to businesses who are looking for premises.

North Tyneside Council

A summary of what information, guidance and support is offered to businesses by the local council.

Procurement, tenders and winning contracts in North Tyneside

Organisations that provide support and guidance to help win contracts through procurement and tender opportunities.

Events and networking groups in North Tyneside

Organisations that help businesses to find events and networking groups.

The Business Factory

A wide range of services and advice for people starting or growing a business in North Tyneside.

North East Fund (loans and investments)

Various funding options available to SME businesses based in North East England.

BEST (Business Energy Saving Team)

BEST is dedicated to helping small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprises (VCSEs) in Newcastle, North Tyneside, Northumberland, and Gateshead.

Events and networking groups in South Tyneside

Organisations that help businesses to find events and networking groups.

TEDCO Business Support Limited

A range of workshops, training, coaching and 1-1 mentoring support for people starting or growing a business.

In Work Support Programme

The In Work Support (IWS) Programme helps Businesses in Newcastle, North Tyneside and Northumberland improve their approach to HR and People Management.

Premises in South Tyneside

Organisations that provide support and guidance to businesses who are looking for premises.

North East Chamber of Commerce

A membership organisation offering support on a range of topics including business support, training and events.

Space North East England

Space North East England offers opportunities and partnerships to unlock market opportunities within the North East of the England.

Invest North East England

Invest North East supports businesses looking to locate, relocate or expand to the region.

RTC North Ltd

Support to help businesses to commercialise, manufacture and scale up.

Made Smarter - North East

Are you a manufacturing business in the North East that is ready to grow?

North East Property Fund

North East Property Fund can offer loans for small-scale, non-speculative residential and commercial developments in the north east.

Procurement, tenders and winning contracts In South Tyneside

Organisations that provide support and guidance to help win contracts through procurement and tender opportunities.

North East Business Resilience Centre

Are you looking for support with keeping your business cyber secure?

Business & IP Centre (BIPC) North East

BIPC hosts a range of events for new and established businesses, including workshops, networking & specialist events.

North East & Yorkshire Net Zero Hub

The North East and Yorkshire Net Zero Hub – a collaboration of six Local Enterprise Partnerships accelerating the transition to ‘Net Zero’ and a future of clean growth through local energy delivery.

North East Business and Innovation Centre (BIC)

Provides a range of business support services including free one to one support for those looking to start their own business.

South Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council

A summary of what information, guidance and support is offered to businesses by the local council.
More Local and national support