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Local and national support

ISBN - International Standard Book Number

If you wish to sell your publication through major bookselling chains, or internet booksellers, you will be legally required to have an ISBN

What are the benefits of employee ownership?

Read on to find out the main benefits of a business being employee owned.

DWP - Support with employee health and disability

This service offers free advice to employers, tailored to the needs of smaller businesses

Tax incentives when employee owned

Information on Tax and Employee Share Schemes from gov.uk.

What is Employee ownership and when should you consider it for your business?

More information on Employee ownership.

Small Business and Self-Employed Support Scheme- North Lanarkshire

The purpose of the Small Business and Self-Employed Support Scheme is to help micro and small businesses to grow by creating or safeguarding jobs and improving the viability of the business.

Upskill in Retrofit through Hounslow’s Green Skills Bootcamps

Two GLA-funded Retrofit bootcamps are open for employees from large organizations, delivered by Hounslow and Retrofit Academy CIC.

Scale to Thrive

This service will help you gain a deeper understanding of the challenges facing your business and sector opportunities, helping you to create detailed Scaleup Growth Strategy and Growth Action Plan.

Enterprise Investment Fund

Grant funding for premises improvement that helps fast-track your growth plans or improves your long-term profitability.


Ofgem is the energy regulator (Office of Gas and Electricity Markets). They are an independent authority with the role of protecting consumers.

Go4Growth Programme

Support to access public sector procurement/tender opportunities

Thrive Telford

A range of grant funds and business advice for businesses in Telford & Wrekin.

Go Digital - Norfolk County Council

Free digital business support and grant funding for small and medium-sized businesses in Norfolk.

Greener Futures

Havering Green Futures offers businesses support to decarbonise their business and maximise their green credentials.

Salford Skills for Business Apprenticeship Fund

Support for apprenticeship training for Salford businesses.

IP Advance Grant Funding

Funding for businesses towards making the most of their intellectual property.

Bolsover Enterprise Loan Fund

A loan fund for businesses struggling to raise finance from mainstream lenders.

Cyber Security Advice for Small and Medium Sized Organisations

Provides information on cyber security for your business, charity, club or school.

Business Growth Through Upskilling

Fully funded training for businesses in Shropshire

Sustaining Shropshire

Support for innovating businesses in the food and drink or agri-tech sectors of Shropshire.

Peer Networks - Redbridge Council

Peer Networks is a programme for businesses that want to grow and develop their organization for future success.

Scale-Up Ashford

A programme of support for growth businesses in Ashford

SEIS - Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme

Equity investment for eligible small and early-stage businesses.

Innovate UK Business Growth

Are you an established business looking to grow through innovation? 
More Local and national support