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Local and national support

The Climate Pledge Fund

A corporate venture capital fund investing in companies across multiple sectors that can help Amazon achieve its goal to be a net-zero carbon.

Connected Places

Connected Places Catapult is the UK’s innovation accelerator for cities, transport, and places.

Allicia Bank – Asset Finance

Allica Bank Asset Finance can boost your business with up to £1,000,000 of straightforward and flexible finance.

Inclusive Supply Chain Programme

Programme for SMEs in London to improve their access to larger supply chains.

Trade Associations - Transport

Websites and contact details for trade associations for the transport industry/sector.

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA)

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) manage the maritime search and rescue service, certification to seafarers and registration of vessels and pollution from shipping and offshore installations.

European Space Agency (ESA)

The European Space Agency aims to help businesses develop services that use satellite communications, Earth observation, satellite navigation, or other space technologies.

VCA - Vehicle Certification Agency

VCA is the designated UK Vehicle Type Approval authority.

Catapult Centres

The Catapult Centres Network is comprised of nine centres with a national presence that span over 40 locations.

Brum Breathes Financial Incentives

Are you a goods vehicle or hackney carriage businesses looking for funding?

Agri-tech Growth and Resources for Innovation

Providing free business support to companies involved in agri-tech, food manufacturing & logistics in the Marches area.

Glasgow Business Growth Programme

Specialist support for growing businesses in Glasgow.

AD:VENTURE Programme

AD:VENTURE offers a variety of support including funding and coaching to potential high-growth businesses in the West Yorkshire area.

Acumen - InterTradeIreland

The Acumen programme aims to enhance the capacity and capability of SMEs to take the first formal steps onto the export ladder by helping to fund an experienced and skilled sales resource.

Business Grants - East Renfrewshire Council

These grants are provided as part of our East Renfrewshire Business Support package and open to businesses located and trading in East Renfrewshire.

Growth Guarantee Scheme

Loans to help businesses to invest and grow.

Low Carbon Grant Project - Doncaster

This project will provide support to 260 SME's in Sheffield, Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham to help them understand the opportunities available to reduce their carbon footprint.

Invest in Fylde

The Invest in Fylde website showcases all there is to offer to businesses in Fylde.

The Shetland Business Start-Up Grant Scheme

The Shetland Business Start-Up Grant Scheme provides funding to newly established businesses in Shetland.

Special Regeneration Fund (SRF)

Grants towards projects to help your business grow.

Boost Business Lancashire Growth Hub (DS)

Information on the local Growth Hub service covering Lancashire.

Business Transition to Net Zero Grant - New Anglia Growth Hub

Are you a businesses in Norfolk and Suffolk with ambitions to reduce your carbon footprint and increase productivity?

Plug-In Van & Truck Grants

Grant funding for manufacturers and resellers of low emission vans and trucks.

Invest to Grow

A mixture of loans and grants towards projects creating long-term jobs in your business.
More Local and national support