
Dealing with a data breach

Tools & Resources

Key Learnings

  • Set and reinforce expectations about data and information security regularly, from background checks to induction and regular training. 
  • Collect, store and keep only relevant and necessary customer and employee information.
  • Keep a detailed inventory of the data you process and use this to identify any breaches and improve your processes.
  • Invest in cybersecurity programmes and keep them up to date.
  • Deal with employee breaches quickly and use gradually more serious measures as needed.

Good security measures are vital for companies, but they are often overlooked until an issue arises. In an increasingly digital world, as the number of data guidelines and restrictions grow, as well as the repercussions for data breaches, business security is of utmost importance. Here are some tips from uCheck on how to protect sensitive company information, and what to do if an employee shares it.

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