
How to overcome customer objections to close more sales

Tools & Resources

How to overcome customer objections to close more sales

Key learnings

  • Research and understand common objections and prepare responses in advance. 
  • Ensure you know the strengths and weaknesses of your product or service compared to competitors. 
  • Listen carefully to your customer's objections, ask clarifying questions, and avoid interrupting or being defensive. 
  • Acknowledge and validate your customer's concerns before offering relevant information and alternative solutions or offers.   

As a salesperson, objections are a normal part of the sales process. Customers may raise objections for various reasons, including price, lack of trust, uncertainty, or simply a need for more information. In this article, Sales and Management Consultant David Broom shares his tips for handling objections effectively, making it easier for you to close more sales.  

Click each heading to read the tips: 


Anticipate objections

Anticipating objections as a natural part of the sales process can help you address them proactively and prevent them from becoming roadblocks to a sale.  

Being prepared with responses can give you confidence and help you stay calm and focused during the sales process, allowing you to concentrate on listening and responding to your customer. 



  • Research and understand your target market's common objections – you could revisit your customer research with this question in mind. 
  • Familiarise yourself with your product or service and its strengths and weaknesses compared to your competitors – you can use a SWOT analysis to help with this. 
  • Prepare responses to common objections ahead of time – check out Salesforce’s free online course for ideas. 

Listen to the customer

Listening to the customer can help you identify the root cause of the objection.  

Showing empathy and a willingness to understand can build rapport and trust with the customer. 



  • Pay close attention to the customer's objections.  
  • Ask clarifying questions to fully understand the objection.  
  • Avoid interrupting or being defensive.  

Address the objection directly

Addressing the objection directly can help you overcome it and move the sales process forward.  

Providing relevant information and evidence can help build trust and credibility with the customer. 



  • Acknowledge the objection and validate the customer's concerns.  
  • Offer relevant information and evidence to support your product or service.  
  • Emphasise the benefits and unique value of your product or service.  

Find a compromise

Finding a compromise can help you overcome the objection and close the sale.  

Being flexible and finding win-win solutions can create a positive customer experience and foster long-term relationships. 



  • Offer alternative solutions that address the customer's concerns. 
  • Look for ways to negotiate or make concessions that meet both the customer's and your needs.  
  • Consider creative solutions that meet the customer's objectives.  

Follow up after the sale

Following up after the sale can help you ensure customer satisfaction and build trust.  

Gathering feedback can help you identify areas for improvement and refine your sales process. 



  • Check in with the customer after the sale to see if their objections have been resolved.  
  • Offer ongoing support and address any remaining concerns.  
  • Ask for feedback and use it to improve your sales process.  

Handling objections effectively is a critical aspect of the sales process. By anticipating objections, listening to the customer, addressing the objection directly, finding a compromise, and following up after the sale, you can increase your chances of closing more sales and building lasting relationships with your customers. For more information and guidance on overcoming objections, reach out to us at UMi and let us help you take your sales efforts to the next level.  

Next steps... 

  • Take the time to conduct some research into common objections and conduct or revisit a SWOT analysis of your product or service compared to competitors’ so you can prepare responses ahead of time.  
  • Consider what flexibility you have to offer alternative solutions or revised terms. 
