
How to use technology to streamline and enhance your sales efforts

Tools & Resources

How to use technology to streamline and enhance your sales efforts

Key learnings

  • Embracing technology in sales processes can save time, increase productivity and drive revenue. 
  • CRM software helps manage and track customer interactions and sales pipelines for improved customer communication and relationship building. 
  • Marketing automation software automates repetitive marketing tasks, such as email marketing and lead nurturing, saving time and improving your targeting.  
  • Sales enablement tools, such as presentation and proposal software, improve sales efficiency and training platforms help equip sales teams for success. 

In today's fast-paced business environment, technology plays a crucial role in streamlining and enhancing sales efforts. With the range of tools and platforms available, it can be overwhelming for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) to determine which ones to use to drive sales. In this article, Sales and Management Consultant David Broom talks us through how embracing technology in your sales process can help you save time, increase productivity, and ultimately drive more revenue. 

Click each heading to read more about the tool and tips:


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software 

CRM software allows you to manage and track your interactions with customers. This includes recording customer information, tracking sales, and managing your sales pipeline.

Using CRM software can help you organise your sales efforts, track customer interactions, and improve communication with your customers. 

Your business will benefit from improved customer communication and relationship building, increased visibility into the sales pipeline and customer interactions, streamlined sales processes and improved efficiency. 



  • Choose a CRM software that fits your business's needs and budget.  
  • Train your sales team on how to use the software effectively.  
  • Integrate the CRM software with other tools, such as email and social media, for a seamless sales process.  

Marketing automation software

Marketing automation software allows you to automate repetitive marketing tasks, such as email marketing and lead nurturing. This can help you save time and focus on more strategic tasks, while also improving your overall marketing efforts. 

You should be able to see evidence of the improvements in your engagement and conversion measurement. 



  • Choose a marketing automation software that fits your business' needs and budget.  
  • Segment your audience and create targeted campaigns for different customer groups.  
  • Integrate the marketing automation software with your CRM software for a more seamless experience. 

Sales enablement tools 

Sales enablement tools are designed to help sales teams close deals more efficiently. They include presentation software, proposal software, and sales training platforms. 

Your business will benefit from improved sales presentations and proposals, increased efficiency in the sales process, and it should help motivate your sales team as the training and development means they are better equipped to be successful and hit their targets.


  • Choose sales enablement tools that fit your business' needs and budget.  
  • Train your sales team on how to use the tools effectively.  
  • Integrate the sales enablement tools with your CRM and marketing automation software for a more streamlined experience.  

Embracing technology in your sales process can help you streamline and enhance your efforts, leading to increased productivity, efficiency, and revenue. By using CRM software, marketing automation software, and sales enablement tools, you can improve customer communication, target your marketing efforts, and close deals more efficiently.  

Next steps...  
