
You've searched for 'staffing and recruitment'

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Summaries of local and national support, funding, events and networking.

University of Lincoln - Graduate Recruitment

Free consultancy support to recruit a University Graduate.

Online Resources

A range of support for businesses from ACAS.

Jobcentre Plus - Employers Services

Jobcentre Plus provides recruitment support and advice to help job seekers find jobs and employers to fill vacancies.

Talent Match

Support for businesses looking for help with recruitment and training needs.

Zenith People

Zenith People offer assistance with recruitment and training in the North East of England.

Tax incentives when employee owned

Information on Tax and Employee Share Schemes from gov.uk.

DWP - Support with employee health and disability

This service offers free advice to employers, tailored to the needs of smaller businesses

Hambleton Graduate Fund

A graduate recruitment programme that can help organisations in Hambleton recruit a graduate and provide financial support towards employment costs.

What do you need to contribute for Automatic Enrolment into Pensions?

Information for employers about what they need to contribute under Automatic Enrolment.

Finding a Pension Scheme Through The Pensions Regulator

If you looking for a pension provider the pensions regulator offers a list of providers

Employing staff for the first time - Checklists

Information and guides on employing staff for the first time.

Pay As You Earn for Employers (PAYE)

Your responsibilities as an employer in relation to PAYE.

Employing staff from outside the UK

Details on employing staff from outside the UK.

Employment Status for Tax tool

Are you looking for support with your or someone's employment status?

What is Employee ownership and when should you consider it for your business?

More information on Employee ownership.

Contracts of employment when employing staff

Are you looking to employ staff but need support on different contract types?

Non-Executive Directors (NED)

Information on Non-Executive Directors and what Non-Executive Directors can bring to your business.

London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham Council

London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham Business Desk is a signposting service offering support with various business topics from Heath and safety to recruitment.

NLW - National Living Wage

Details on national minimum wage rates for employees.

Leonard Cheshire

Leonard Cheshire Disability offers support in breaking down barriers that deny disabled people their basic rights.

Mencap - Employment Services

Mencap assists people with learning disabilities to live happy, healthy lives.

TUPE - Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment)

Understand what you need to do to protect your employees when a business changes ownership.

Pay & Work Rights Helpline & National Minimum Wage

Information and guidance on work rights and national minimum wage rates.

DWP - Department for Work and Pensions

An overview of services offer by the Department for Work and Pensions.

Actionable information, tools and resources

Tools & Resources

6 stages to recruitment

Tools & Resources

Top tips for avoiding discrimination in recruitment

Events & Learning

WATCH: How video recruitment makes businesses more human

Tools & Resources

How recruitment tools can help you identify new talent

Tools & Resources

BUNDLE: Recruitment and people

Tools & Resources

Recent and upcoming changes to employment law you need to know

Tools & Resources

Top tips when recruiting new staff

Events & Learning

WATCH: Creating a positive induction experience for new employees

Events & Learning

WATCH: Barriers facing women in business

Events & Learning

WATCH: UMi Makes it Easy... to Embed Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Events & Learning

WATCH: How to unlock your LinkedIn potential

Events & Learning

WATCH: How to get started with advertising on Facebook and Instagram

Events & Learning

WATCH: Understanding digital PR

Events & Learning

WATCH: How to get started with video marketing

Events & Learning

WATCH: Understanding client psychology

Tools & Resources

Equal opportunities in the workplace

Discounts & Deals

Save 15% on courses with In Professional Development

Tools & Resources

Save 15% on courses with In Professional Development

Finance & Funding

Employer tax considerations for restructuring, redundancies and recruitment

Tools & Resources

An introduction to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) for businesses

Discounts & Deals

Save 15% on HR support with Croner

Tools & Resources

Hiring your first employee

Tools & Resources

How to hire an apprentice

Tools & Resources

PODCAST: Lizzy Hodcroft on finding yourself in business



Recruitment platform secures £5m funding


Funding a recruitment drive


Tearing up the recruitment rulebook and embracing neurodivergence in the workplace


Why employees can be the secret to your recruitment success


Verisure ramps up recruitment drive


Let girls power female recruitment in engineering urges Arrowsmith boss


Will CVs soon disappear in tech recruitment?


Healthcare social enterprise launches recruitment campaign 


Easy Bathrooms announces major recruitment drive


Four ways AI will help power recruitment


Genius recruitment software secures £400k NPIF investment


A guide to getting more out of your HR budget


Digital Right to Work checks come online


Does staff happiness equal engagement?


WATCH: Diversity makes games better


MP shows support for people with complex disabilities


Making your business grow through sustainability


Tech firm shines spotlight on women in industry


Bringing your own device to work – a must for SMEs?


WATCH: Looking after your mental health when seeking investment


Chief financial officers to prioritise investment in 2022


More to do to maximise the talent of female entrepreneurs


New report reveals UK knowledge workers believe burnout is inevitable for success


How to engage young people in your business

Events and webinars

Events & Learning

WATCH: How video recruitment makes businesses more human

Events & Learning

WATCH: Creating a positive induction experience for new employees

Events & Learning

WATCH: Barriers facing women in business


WATCH: Diversity makes games better

Events & Learning

WATCH: How to unlock your LinkedIn potential

Events & Learning

WATCH: How to get started with advertising on Facebook and Instagram

Events & Learning

WATCH: Understanding digital PR

Events & Learning

WATCH: How to get started with video marketing

Events & Learning

WATCH: Understanding client psychology


WATCH: Looking after your mental health when seeking investment


Mythbusting when starting a business


WATCH: How do we encourage more entrepreneurship?

Finance & Funding

WATCH: Get the best from your Tide business banking app

Events & Learning

WATCH: How to use LinkedIn to grow your business and personal brand

Events & Learning

WATCH: Advanced Facebook advertising that works

Events & Learning

WATCH: Get Your Business Started the Right Way

Events & Learning

WATCH: How AI and machine learning can improve your business

Events & Learning

WATCH: Making Google Analytics work for your business

Events & Learning

WATCH: Leveraging your digital presence in the new normal

Events & Learning

WATCH: Go further with digital adoption

Events & Learning

WATCH: Marketing - friend or enemy?

Events & Learning

WATCH: THREE Steps to Easier Business Growth

Events & Learning

WATCH: The ultimate digital content toolkit

Events & Learning

WATCH: Managing behavioural change when starting and scaling a business