How to implement resilience training in the workplace
Tools & Resources
Key learnings
- Resilience training allows your workplace to create a productive working environment, and to manage stressful situations properly and effectively.
- By implementing resilience training within your business, you are likely to improve the job satisfaction of your employees.
- An open discussion about where people have pressure helps to target resilience training in key areas.
Workplaces are increasingly focusing on resilience as a necessary skill for their staff. Here, UMi partner In Professional Development explores why resilience training is important, why workplaces need to invest in this kind of training to be successful, and why resilience training should be a key focus if you want to grow a good company culture.
A positive, high performing, and engaged workforce is the bedrock of any successful organisation.
Your people are your greatest asset, and it is incumbent on you as a leader to take good care of them.
The impact of COVID-19, and associated changes to working patterns, job roles, and in many instances, job security; have produced a once-in-a-generation level of challenge for leaders and managers, who must balance the needs of the organisation with the psychological wellbeing of their team.
Click below to learn why resilience training is key to solving these challenges.
Understand why you need resilience training
Stress and pressure within the workplace are sometimes unavoidable. Businesses need to stay relevant and competitive, and as a result, employees commonly work in a fast-paced environment. They might be asked to work towards ambitious targets to meet the needs of their business. Some people thrive in this kind of environment; however, resilience training is still important as it creates a productive working environment and helps to manage stressful situations effectively.
Highlight priorities
In order to implement the best possible resilience programme, you need to understand what your goals are. An open discussion about where people have pressure helps to target resilience training in key areas. For example, if a workplace is a fast-paced environment, then understanding ways to manage stress is important. If teams are struggling to work together well, then tips to improve communication and team building is important.
Communicate with employees
In order to effectively create a resilient culture and introduce a successful resilience programme to your business, it is important to listen to the needs of your employees. If they are feeling under pressure, you need to find out why. You should then communicate what you will do to alleviate this. It is important to be transparent about changes within the business that will affect them. When introducing resilience training to your organisation, it is vital to communicate why you are doing this to ensure that the resilience training is engaged with in your organisation.
Focus on job satisfaction
By implementing resilience training within your business, you are likely to improve the job satisfaction of your employees. Your business’ culture and employee retention will improve, allowing you to develop and progress your staff from within your organisation. This will save your company time and money in recruitment and training new starters.
Encourage early adoption by senior leaders
Senior leaders within a business need to be the biggest advocates for the training. These are the people within a business the rest of the company look up to, and they set the culture and the tone of the workplace. Therefore, in order to create a workplace that encourages resilience training, senior leaders need to encourage this and make resilience part of the culture.
Reinforce your resilient culture with policy
Creating policies is a vital aspect of effectively implementing a resilient culture. Companies around the world encourage resilience through employee wellness programmes, mental health ambassadors, and policies that encourage healthy lifestyles such as offering discounted gym memberships. When working in unison with an effective resilience training programme, these policies are very useful in contributing to growing a more resilient culture.
Next Steps...
- In Professional Development is offering Sat Nav subscribers 15% off its CMI Level 7 - Strategic and Wellbeing Resilience programme.
- Read this advice article from UMi about tackling stress in the workplace to see what you can do alongside building resilience to support your staff.
- Save 15% on all In Professional Development courses with this exclusive offer for Sat Nav subscribers.