Planning for growth
Tools & Resources
When you’re in a position to start growing your business, you may think all the hard work is done. But just as important as getting your business to the growth stage is having a clear plan in place so that you expand and prosper as per your intentions. Here, we look at strategies for growing business revenue and to actions you need to take to achieve growth.
Growth planning is much like business planning in that it provides a solid foundation to build on.
Your growth plan should inform how and when you take action to increase the size of your business, whether that be through investing in new people or new products and services.
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Strategies for growing your business
Growing your business is not just about increasing sales, although this is an important element of the overall strategy.
According to Gov.uk, growing your business is also about:
- Improving your products and services by researching and testing changes with your customers
- Developing new products and services, and selling them to new or existing markets
- Hiring staff or training your current staff, including working with apprentices and mentors
- Looking for additional sources of funding, such as bringing in new investors
- Thinking about selling your products or services online
- Bid/tender for new contracts
- Exporting your products or services abroad
Consider which of these strategies applies best to your business and work them into your growth plan accordingly.
The implications of business growth
Understanding the implications of your business growth fits in with creating your growth strategy.
As mentioned above, some of the strategies you are considering to help you grow will have a material impact on your business, particularly from a funding and cost point of view.
Taking on new staff, for example, will have a big impact on your profitability, at least in the near term.
When should I expand by business?
Here are some signs that you’re business is ready for expansion.
Growing customer base
You have a growing number of customers looking to acquire your products/services
Demand for new products
Customers place an increasing demand for your existing products/services with additional requirements for additional products/services to provide range extensions
Consistent/improving profits
Improving profitability provides opportunities to support your business growth (additional products / extra people / new premises)
Space constraints
You may need additional space to facilitate customer demand or the provision of new products/services
Booming industry
Your industry sector may be growing indicating that there may be an opportunity to grow your business to supply this increase in demand
A steady customer base
To expand a company, you should have a steady or growing base of customers meaning your product or service is in demand.
What should I have in place before I expand?
Perfected processes
It’s essential to have great processes in place before you grow. This may mean streamlining your current processes so that your existing business can continue to thrive while you’re occupied with your growth strategy.
Copying inefficient systems means you could undermine your productivity and profit.
You may also need to train and onboard new staff quickly. That can’t be done if your processes aren’t developed and documented.
You may also need to implement new processes as your business grows, such as HR procedures, so it’s best if your other processes already run like clockwork.
An incredible team
In a small business environment, you may be juggling multiple tasks.
Be mindful that expansion puts a lot of stress on your team, and you’ll need to delegate more and more responsibilities as you grow.
If you trust your team to take care of it, then it becomes a lot easier to be confident that growth is a good idea, and that you have just the right team to make it a success.
Time, planning and preparation
Business expansion isn’t cheap or easy. It needs time, planning, and preparation.
It is not as risky as starting a business, but it does come with similar and other risks that you should research and take into consideration.
Businesses that grow successfully should enjoy greater profitability, market share, brand awareness and the ability to offer products and services cheaper than competitors due to economies of scale.
Next steps...
- Consider which strategies you will use to grow your business and prepare a growth plan.
- Seek advice from business professionals. You can speak to an UMi adviser to discuss your growth ambitions on 0330 124 7305.
- Explore your funding options via the UMi Finance, funding and grant finder and our loan finder .