Local and national support
ScaleUp Institute
The ScaleUp Institute is a private sector, not-for-profit company focused on making the UK the best place in the world to scale up a business.Barclays Business Insights
Barclays Business Insights is an online tool that offers business resources and tips.National Network of Business & IP Centres (BIPC)
A network of Business and Intellectual Property Centres around the country, for businesses to access intellectual property advice. Many also offer general business support too.Hello Telford
Telford’s Business Collaboration Space.Tools and resources
Consumer Insight Programme: Use Consumer Insights to Improve Experience & Sales

From your company’s creation to scaling up, knowing who your customers are and what they want – then serving them well – can be the difference between failure and thriving. UMi Sat Nav subscribers can join Elaine Morris for this online programme to learn the tools and techniques that will accelerate your journey to superior customer satisfaction, helping you stand out from the crowd and realise your company’s full potential.
Introduction to market research and competitor analysis

WATCH: Making Google Analytics work for your business

WATCH: Perfecting your marketing action plan

Business output on the rise as supply chain pressures ease

The UK private sector has started 2022 on a positive footing, with 11 out of 14 industries seeing an expansion in output during January.
Finding my feet through employee ownership

New study reveals best options for naming a business

Majority of small business leaders have confidence for 2022 despite high stress levels

Events and webinars
WATCH: Making Google Analytics work for your business

WATCH: Perfecting your marketing action plan

WATCH: Looking after your mental health when seeking investment

Mythbusting when starting a business