
PODCAST: James de le Vingne on employee ownership

Tools & Resources

PODCAST: James de le Vingne on employee ownership

James de le Vingne is the CEO of the Employee Ownership Association (EOA) and in this episode of the podcast, we speak to him about how businesses can unleash the potential of their people by becoming employee-owned. Given his extensive prior experience of working for NGOs in different parts of the world, we also discuss what James has learned about leveraging the power of business to tackle local and global challenges.

Listen below to find out more from James about: 

  • How he built a career in international humanitarian assistance.
  • What it was like working in parts of Africa and Asia helping communities upended by conflict. 
  • The similarities and differences between the UK cooperative movement and employee ownership community. 
  • How employee-owned businesses can help to tackle social, environmental and economic challenges. 
  • How the EOA is helping foster a more conducive environment for growing the number of employee-owned businesses in the UK. 


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