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Summaries of local and national support, funding, events and networking.

Licensing intellectual property 

Provides advice on how Intellectual Property can be bought, sold or licensed.

Intellectual Property Equip App

A useful app to help businesses manage their IP.

Intellectual Property Insurance

Details about insurance businesses can use to protect their intellectual property.

World Intellectual Property Organization

Information and resources about Intellectual Property services and administration.

IPO - Intellectual Property Office

The official government body responsible for granting Intellectual Property (IP) rights in the UK.

Four main types of Intellectual Property

A breakdown of the 4 main types of Intellectual Property and what it protects.

Intellectual Property Office Guidance and Tools

Online resources provided by the Intellectual Property Office

The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA)

The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys are the professional and examining body for patent attorneys in the United Kingdom.

IP Finance Toolkit

Guidance on understanding the value of your Intellectual Property (IP) to potential lenders.

Events Calendar

Events hosted by the Intellectual Property Office

Managing IP Overseas

How to manage your intellectual property in other countries.

IP for Business

Collection of tools for intellectual property

National Network of Business & IP Centres (BIPC)

A network of Business and Intellectual Property Centres around the country, for businesses to access intellectual property advice. Many also offer general business support too.

Business & IP Centre (BIPC) Oxfordshire

A centre offering intellectual property advice and general business support.

IP (Unjustified Threats) Act for SMEs

Business & IP Centre (BIPC) Liverpool

Liverpool Libraries offers a range of services to businesses in the area including how to start a business and Intellectual Property.

Business & IP Information Service Humber (Hull Libraries)

Information and resources about Intellectual Property, legislation, regulations and more.

Santander Breakthrough

Tools and resources to start and grow your business.

Business & IP Centre (BIPC) South Yorkshire

Free advice on protecting the intellectual property of your business.

Business & IP Centre (BIPC) Glasgow

The Business and Intellectual Property Centre in Glasgow's Mitchell Library supports entrepreneurs and innovators from idea stage to successfully launching and growing a business.

Business & IP Centre (BIPC) Northamptonshire

Business & IP Centre Northamptonshire provide free access to business guides, company information database, and consumer and market research content.

Portsmouth PatLib Centre

Portsmouth PatLib is part of a national network of Intellectual Property (IP) Information Centres supported by the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) and offer information on all aspects of IP.

Aberdeen PatLib Centre

Aberdeen PatLIb Centre offers free information/ advice on how to best protect the intellectual property of your business.

The Mitchell Library

A range of information, resources and services on intellectual property and patents.

Actionable information, tools and resources


Events and webinars

Events & Learning

WATCH: Understanding client psychology


WATCH: Looking after your mental health when seeking investment


WATCH: Diversity makes games better


Mythbusting when starting a business

Finance & Funding

UMi Makes it Easy... to get your business grant ready

Finance & Funding

WATCH: A guide to business loans

Finance & Funding

WATCH: Get the best from your Tide business banking app


WATCH: How do we encourage more entrepreneurship?

Events & Learning

WATCH: THREE Steps to Easier Business Growth

Events & Learning

WATCH: How to get started with video marketing

Events & Learning

WATCH: How to get started with advertising on Facebook and Instagram

Events & Learning

WATCH: How video recruitment makes businesses more human

Events & Learning

WATCH: Managing behavioural change when starting and scaling a business

Events & Learning

WATCH: Perfecting your marketing action plan

Events & Learning

WATCH: Creating a positive induction experience for new employees

Events & Learning

WATCH: Understanding website SEO audits

Events & Learning

WATCH: Barriers facing women in business

Events & Learning

WATCH: Get Your Business Started the Right Way

Events & Learning

WATCH: Why you can’t grow as fast as you wish

Events & Learning

WATCH: Making Google Analytics work for your business

Events & Learning

WATCH: Understanding digital PR

Events & Learning

WATCH: How to position your PR effectively

Events & Learning

WATCH: How to get journalists to write your story

Events & Learning

WATCH: Go further with digital adoption