
Elaine Morris - Business Coach

Advice & Connections

Elaine Morris - Business Coach

Speak to Elaine for advice on...

  • Business Planning
  • Leadership & Management
  • Culture & Wellbeing
  • Environment / Net Zero
  • CSR

Elaine's mission is to help businesses build positive strategies around health and wellbeing for their employees, enabling them to attract, engage, motivate and retain talent. 

Positive mental health and wellbeing is something Elaine is very passionate about. We live in a world of uncertainty and employees, HR leaders, and CEOs are all feeling the impacts of daily stressors, global events, and economic challenges while at work. This is having an impact on employees' feeling of security and safety and their mental health. 

The good news is that leaders are opening up more about mental health and businesses are getting better in developing internal strategies to support colleagues, but there's still a way to go to embed wellbeing strategies into everyday business practices. Employees perform best when their mental health is strong. Those organisations who visibly take steps to improve employee wellbeing are more likely to report better productivity, reduce acquisition and retention costs, and improve positive customer experience. 

Blending her experience in leadership coaching, employee satisfaction, and consumer experience, Elaine Morris supports employers and business leaders who want to make health and wellbeing a priority in their organisation.

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